The funniest thing here to me is that he's backing himself into the (skirts of the) LGBTQ+ category without even realizing it. 😆☠️ Of course, no self respecting ACE wants his membership... Talk about blind spots.

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If this guy really wanted to carry his misogyny to the extreme, he should marry some poor woman. That would be a terrible fate for her.

Though she would be in a good position to poison him.

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So premature that there's not even a woman in the vicinity.

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Not in the US, no. I remember horrible communist scares, even though this country was nowhere near ever becoming communist. It's always been in bed with fascism.

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They were unpopular when they were communist, but beloved as a corrupt oligarchy.

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hang on, i thought hitler had a girlfriend? wtf has old adolf got to do with anything?

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Excuse me while I vomit.

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Am I crazy? Where does a wack job named Fuentes get off touting for total Aryan victory?

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Of course, "incels" are "involuntarily" celibate. They want relationships and/or sex but don't have them, frequently because of how they are repulsive assholes who spend their lives posting unbelievably misogynistic — and often racist — nonsense on message boards with other men who hate women.

You forgot pedophilic.

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That cover photo... help me out here... Beavis or Butthead?

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Yeah that has always struck me as weird. I didn't think the white nationalists were into Latino folk, which is what it seems the last name Fuentes is, from some past generation(s) of his family? I guess he got a special pass. He doesn't quite look like Hitler's Aryan ideal.

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A goodly portion of Spain played host to the Alans, a Germanic people displaced by the Huns (they later migrated to northern Africa where they became the Vandals and eventually looted Rome.) He probably believes himself to be pure blooded Spanish, even though there aren't many of those even in Spain.

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Prescott Bush, father of Bush the Elected, got a bank, steel mill and shipping company confiscated during WWII under the 'Trading With The Enemy' act. He went on to be Connecticut's senator for 11 years.

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I see.. yeah could be. Thanks for the mini history lesson, too.

But I'm still standing by my statement that if (back in the day) his hero Hitler had taken one look at him, he definitely would not have considered him Aryan. I'm sure Fuentes knows this somewhere deep in his consciousness. The twisted irony of self-hating.

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Ok double reply here now, because I went sleuthing on the internet. Apparently in interviews Fuentes has said he is 25% Mexican but "identifies as white." Hmmm. Does it work that way?

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Neither did Adolf. I love that old crack that the perfect Nordic Aryan would have to be as tall and blond as Hitler, as leanly muscular as Goering, and as virile as Goebbels.

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