Like that time when, during a panel discussion on NAFTA, he plainly explained a simple economic truism, and another panelist erupted "It's remarks like that which explain why people hate economists!"

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Clinton's mess was not a major finance-sector meltdown; a few economists, including Krugman, have written some pretty good plain-language explanations of why finance-sector meltdowns tend to create long-term slumps, which have also proven to have excellent predictive power over the last 4-5 years.

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As opposed to Richard Haass (and Joe and Ed), who're wrong until they're still wrong, and want to make sure <em>every</em> day is a bad day.

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Ed Rendell has been too fiscally conservative for me ever since I've known of his existence.

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Republicans seem pissed that people live longer and health care is expensive. Isn't living longer a good thing? Look at the effort they put into keeping the unborn alive.

Anyway, the quick solution is to have retirees move back in with their kids. Go for Go-Pee'ers!

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Sounds like the Repubs talking about Reagan.

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