Ryan resigning in disgrace?Hell, I'd buy a ticket to see that.

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Surprises me he didnt demand Boehner leave the liquor cabinet unlocked and fully stocked cause he is going to need it

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his fee-fees might get hurt!

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oh, please, as if that quaint Constitution means anything to them

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The Freedom Caucus do not know the meaning of the word compromise. Or most other words bigger than two syllables. They have their Chosen One. And he will lead them to the Promised Land.

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Actually, it's a smart move. This way he can blame the TPers and wash his hands of the mess without getting any on him.

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You do see that those are Guitar Hero guitars, right? Mr. Mallcop tries to impress with fake guitars. He's prolly got a strap-on beer gut, too.

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I wonder if Paul Ryan has awakened from his Ayn Rand-induced narcolepsy long enough to notice that although he believes himself to be the John Galt, all the other guys fancy themselves in that role as well.

Naaah. Too subtle for a narcissist.

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Not herring, I hope.

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A GOPer is asking for a guarantee that there won't be any arrows in his back? What else does he want? A rose garden?

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And unfortunately, corporations are choosing these little douche bags over older, educated people with good, long, stable, progressive work histories, like me :(But I'm not bitter or anything.....<eye roll="">

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Whose chops?

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kaili i love you and your writing but this is not a chance in hell the house is going democratic at any time soon.

i pray to all the god's i don't believe in that i am wrong. also that the cubs will win four straight.

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It's also indicitive that something is VERY wrong with our representatives: we have open a position just two people away from the presidency and there isn't a rush of people willing to take it. There's no more dressing this deal with the devil (TPers) as something else, the fact that no one wants to touch this thing unless they can dictate what happens BEFORE THEY HAVE IT speaks volumes. It's less smart, and more shrewd.

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