I guess those silly citizens don't know that if you want to yell and shout at members of Congress during a townhall, you first must place your birth certificate into a Baggie, and then wave it around as you scream.

It also helps to be wearing a red dress, but that is not mandatory.

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<i>"If only she was a little bit taller ..."</i>

Interns are only 3/5s of a person. It's in the Constitution. Just ask any TP'er.

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"Loving America Too Much".

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You know who else arrested protesters at <strike>Beer Hall</strike> Town Hall meetings?

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i know right? they talk about him like he's our next lincoln.

and then the details of his "miracle budget" get shredded by the economist - and other like minded leftist publications.

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oh man, you just made me very sad.

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the 'get them out of the door so i don't have to answer questions' charge.

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not soon enough prommie, not soon enough.

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i was going to post something snarky about paul ryan putting himself thru college with social security survivor benefits, but i'll just go with:

<i>Ryan briefly worked during college for the Oscar Mayer meat and cold cut production company as a Wienermobile driver.</i>


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Congratulations! Renaming them right away is a very good practice.

My favorite fun with an engineering intern moment was asking if he had made the twisted wire pairs clockwise or counterclockwise because, as you know, we are in the northern hemisphere. The look on his face as he thought about that was so enjoyable in a sadistic kind of manner. Good times!

Poi? UR evil.

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That was Freedumb of Speech. This is harassment and being a public nuisance. The difference is obvious, really -- just ask Paul Ryan. Oh, wait...

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It is...the Corporate States of America

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Apparently the protesters forgot to pick up the accepted question flier at the door.

"Ronald Reagan - great president or greatest president ever?" and a follow up - "When will we carve Reagan's image on Mount Rushmore".

"How are you holding up?"

"Are the Koch brothers as nice in person as they seem to be?

"Why does Obama hate America?"

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For $15 you should, at least, be able to punch him the nose.

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The Rolling Stones?

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I don't know what cobblers are but it sounds good to me as long as you are wearing pointy shoes.

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