Et tu, Brutus?

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The GOP has broken off into its own alternate universe.

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And even his own massive ego won't be able to save him then.

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Yep, I can almost hear the banjos.......

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I hope Ryan has a lot of towels to wipe up all the Santorum.

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That's not a beard. He's been rimming the Freedom Cockless.

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... now, more than ever I'm glad to be a Canuck and despair even further for my American friends. But can anyone (looking at you, smart Wonk-mericans) explain why IOWA is so goddamn important? Apart from a Presidential election year, does anyone pay attention to the cornpone state? I mean, Wikipedia paints a pretty picture but... "This article is outdated. (July 2014)" at the top gave me pause.

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... as someone who walked out of a psych holding ward in the dead of winter with bare feet and a threadbare robe with the intent of "going to sleep in the embrace of the frigid mistress", I would suggest you drink until you pass out first before doing so. There is a great deal of pain before you slip into that vacuous realm.

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... I had a (short) career in Commercial Banking and it didn't take long for me to learn the the whole thing is a "house of cards". It's all an artificial construct that is precariously weak at its strongest point. All it takes is for some clumsy asshole to bump into the table to send it all crashing down.

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... except, one day later, I'm hearing the MSM (there's no such thing) say this is just Jeb!'s way of fine-tuning his "machine" into a "lean, mean" one. Right now, I'm getting the impression they think the SMRT Bush has a chance. Almost like they supported Rmoney when he was doing so poorly at the outset. Oh wait... we saw how that turned out when it came to the RNC nomination. Never mind.

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... I'm thinking taint-stain.

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... and that, on its face, should scare the ever-lovin' shit out of you. I know it does me.

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... and even given the most generous interpretation of "work", does anyone truly believe these people deserve a six-figure income and platinum benefits? I daresay this qualifies as fraud, but hey, nobody listens to me anyway... I'm just one of those people so far under "the poverty line", I'm invisible. Or inconsequential... either/or.

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... you give them too much credit. "think" - ? Assumes brain not in evidence.

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... "save us, Pauly Wonk Ryanobi! You are our only dope!"

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