If it's already been said, then it bears repeating: I know these folks don't brain so good, but why would women want to let in or go soft on more rapists, since rape victims tend to be women?

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I feel worse for Trump's supporters than I do for us. Despite our woes, at least we never decided to join a cult.

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There's a great little book called When Society Becomes an Addict, by Anne Wilson Schaef. I really should scare up a copy again (most of my books are in deep storage alas) - I suspect it would be incredibly pertinent right about now.

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Gotta scare those old white people or they'll never vote. Live and let live? NO. Democrats want to live and let terrorists and illegal immigrants flood over the border and steal our jobs and rape our women and burn our flag and extinguish violently and for all eternity the light of our shining and absolutely perfect, no-we've-never-done-anything-even-slightly-morally-questionable, city on the hill. You're not voting Republican? DO YOU HATE AMERICA TO?

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What is "shiplap?" I know what "y'all" is. "Shiplap" - nope. Not a clue. Is it an English word that comes out mangled when pronounced with a drawl?

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Faso is running scared. By all rights, in a normal year, he'd hold onto the seat. The Republicans have held onto it for the past six years, and Faso, who is a freshman congressman, was popular when he was elected.

But when Faso ran. He promised he'd be independent of Trump, but he's just been carrying Trump's water. His vote against health care, specifically, hurt him pretty badly. He's only up about 2 points in the polls, and Delgado could very much win this.

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The Racist Dog-Whistle's got a hell of a boom-bap on that one.

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Paul Ryan: Terrorist since 0 years old.

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Christ, you're right, we're like domestic abuse victims at this point. No matter how shitty they are, we just keep thinking we'll turn the other cheek, and eventually they'll get better. I'm running out of cheeks!

It's pretty shocking how far they've fallen, and how little their base of morons cares.

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Or as the Kochs like to think of it "a small tip."

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Well, I welcome some drugs, and taco trucks as long as they have something for this vegan -- nopal tacos are my favorite, but I also love mushroom. I watched the ads; they're totally fucked up. I think Paul Ryan and his ilk are scared, so scared they'll say anything, no matter how untrue. We have to overwhelm them with VOTES, so many, many votes that they drown in our blue tsunami.

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as a representative of the hollywood elite, I have to admit, the ad is right, we are looking down on you KY. would you care to know why?

we're richer than youCompared to the median US family income, California median family income is $6,297 higher, Compared to the median US family income, Kentucky median family income is $12,039 lower

we're smarter than you CA 31.4% have a college degreeKY 22.3% have one

we're thinner than youCA ranks 41st in obesityKY ranks 6th

we even live 4.8 years longer than you do on average

maybe instead of being butthurt about it you could try electing people who will drag your fat stupid poor asses in to the 21st century where us californians are.

just a suggestion

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Which are themselves amoral creatures, by design.

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Subsapient primate libelz!

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At least the terrorists aren't part of the War On Christmas.

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So, Paulie's PAC is essentially the Southern Strategy writ large. Democrats only care about brown people, at the expense of all white people, and, if white people don't want to completely lose their country, they have to vote for Republicans.

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