Don't forget how he keeps pushing that goofy-ass budgeting system of "forward accounting" or "dynamic scoring" or "making shit up" or whatever the fuck it's called, in which the supposed future economic benefits of tax cuts get booked as income right now. And if (when) they never materialize, well, time for more budget cuts.

Seriously, this guy is the best they've got?

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The zombie. He wants to die, but they won't let him.

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Now I know what McCarthy meant by "sometimes you need to hit bottom."

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Could the Dems possibly get themselves together to pull that off? Theory indeed.

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Yes but now they've perfected the art of being chronically, intransigently miffed, so now that's really the only arrow left in their quiver. New Speaker has to have the perfect miffed face.

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First, they would have to WANT to do it. That motivation would not come without a huge price tag.

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G E! - We bring good jobs to China!

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Derp fall apart; the fringe cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

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I just saw this headline in the Hill and almost blew up: "Newt Gingrich Open to Return to Speakership". WTF? I mean, how? By what process? Has the Hellmouth opened and we all just fell through it?

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They do so have common ground, they hate each others guts.

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You know the GOP is fucked up when they're talking about bringing Ritt Jomney, or The Newt back. Newt was chased out of the party for his extreme corruption and sexiness, and nobody likes Ritt.

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Ryan wants to be president? Oh, sweet Jesus, America needs that dipshit like we need another Bush.

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Maybe Teddy should apply for the job. Resign from his seat as a junior senator and run for the House instead....! Maybe that could be a plan for us.. maneuver to concentrate all Congressional wingnuts in a single house of the legislature.

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That party has become such a fucking joke, yet I still know plenty of people who vote for them because they're "good for the economy." Whose economy, China's?

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Just when you thought it was safe...

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