Perhaps, if people are paid a living wage they would have the time and money to make lunches for their offspring. Who would probably not eat them and instead gripe about not being given cash with which to buy lunch.

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Yeah, those Conservatives are always looking for ways to fill up your 'sshole.

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Sinkhole? We have invitations!

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Rimmer said that?! I may have to rethink my life.

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"Civilization is only three meals removed from savagery.” -Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, <i>Lucifer's Hammer</i> (1977)

(One of my favorites, natch.)

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They don't like being reminded of their empty souls.

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Mr. Ryan's stomach must be pretty dang full to compensate for the black hole that envelops his soul.

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Is it CPAC season again? So soon?

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<i>“What they’re offering people,” Ryan homilizes, and he is talking about liberals, “is a full stomach and an empty soul.”</i>

Conversely, Ryan and the Repubicans are offering an empty stomach and a full soul, like in Libertarian Paradise™ Somalia. Ryan should pay heed to DeToqueville's* caution that "every nation is three meals from revolution". _________________________________ * Actually I can't figure out who said it, but deToqueville makes me sound erudite.

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The applause he’s getting sounds pretty lifeless.

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The story about the lady who works for Scott Walker must be the one that isn’t in jail because using her for a moral story would just be wrong.

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Only more painful and ugly.

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Well love is notoriously low in caloric content and fiber...

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<i>"your Ayn Rand hard-on"</i>

I am struggling to read "Atlas Shrugged" so I can understand what all the fuss is about. What I've learned so far: 1) People in Ayn Rand's fictional unnamed nation always talk in speeches about "looters" and the morality of greed. They can't order coffee without a speech of some kind. 2) Railroads are the linchpin of a modern economy 3) Government is bad.

I have not learned who is John Galt. But I'm sure someone will give a speech explaining it around page 900.

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