Holy crap, WHY did you have to post this? I'm supposed to go to brunch in a bit...

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[I think that's what Shibusa meant]Also too, he staffed for Governor "He Blows A Lot"? Young grasshopper has pleased his master.

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Isn't that where Bad Bad Leroy Brown lives?

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you had assigned seating in college?

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[insert here: twisted joke about Neil Young's son, knees and Nixon cumming, not fully formulated yet.]

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and Kurt Vonegut?

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Susan Sarandon can kiss the fattest part of my ass.

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So, he went to university while sucking at the government teat and he was dreaming about . . . doing away with the government teat?

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Ryan could introduce a Surcease Society. Doesn’t that sound nice? They will visit the sick and determine the cost of healing them. If it’s beyond a certain limit, then it’s, “Here. Drink this Kool Aid. Your problems will soon be over.” Then a discreet removal squad moves in and ‘natural causes’ written on the death certificate. All neat and tidy.

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It's the repug way.

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You forgot the organ "donor" part

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The GOP doesn't want to "do away" with the government teats, they just want keep the government teats for themselves. Damned teat hogs.

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I make $97/hour writing fake new stories and publishing them on fake right wing news sites. This afternoon I'm going to write a story that North Korea is going to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Washington, then forward the link to Fox News and Breitbart. Woohoo, watch the fun begin then!

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Sociopaths sitting and plotting the deaths of millions. Dystopian novels come to life.

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Although, next time I watch Animal House, I am going to substitute their names during Bluto's big speech..."Ryan? Lowry?"

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