I hold onto this belief that all these cowards are kissing Trump's ass publicly to avoid getting primaried, but that won't mean a thing in the privacy of the voting booth. I keep hoping the final result will be like the average Super Bowl final score: So lopsided you couldn't figure out how anyone thought a contest between these two was ever viable.

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for a zombie-eyed granny-starver, that is. for an actual adult human being, let alone a Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan is a horrible, tragic waste of carbon and a bad example for all the generations to come

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once you have those demographics locked up, it does look bleak indeed for your opponent

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Well ISIS are their allies in spirit, and perhaps even a reason for their existence.

Both the Trumpians and ISIS play off each other and grow stronger together.

Of course they wouldn't want such a partnership to end even if it is one that cannot be mentioned.

So they won't end it, nor will they let it be mentioned.

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"I don't understand how Crooked Lyin' Hillary can resort to such low tactics".

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hey that's why evangelicals flock to him too - the fanatical fulfilling of their faith in the " end times " is all they have to live for - and they want to reproduce ?

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I still listen to NPR, but I've gotten really selective about it. I get tired of their bothsiderism. I did hear one reporter get totally fed up interviewing Ben Carson, but that's rare.

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No where near as smart. Plus he'd never say that his dogs wouldn't bite him.

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Yeah, remember when Newt was 'the smart one' ?

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Hey, she brought the receipts, man.

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Another day in the Congresses...

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I have a long ride to work and they do about one story a day that doesn't make me scream, which is really not enough, I guess. I heard the Ben Carson interview, I think. And I do love Car Talk, which I get to hear every weekend as I drive up to my mom's.

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I'm going right now to buy all the Twinkies in stock

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It all ends up reminding me of elevator music.

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Come by afterwards Twinkies & Martini party!

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