Here's hoping he is recognized in public and promptly chased out of every fancy restaurant by the incessant heckling.

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The backwards baseball cap really sells it.

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And excellent health care, I believe. See Cheney, Dick.

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Looks like about 12.7 million California voters cast ballots (over 19 million are registered). In perspective, about a million more people voted in California than there are people in Ohio.In fact, more people voted in California than there are people in Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana combined.And, Paulie, we have Trump to thank for the slap in the face (and kick in the ass) your guys received. Kiss. Kiss. Bye, bye Paulie.

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Well, he *does* have puppy-dog eyes....and a good-looking clean-cut man like that would *never* cut off Social Security and Medicare!!1!


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How else is he going to justify cutting medicare and social security for all the lazy oldz? You wanna a paycheck, get a jerb!! The GOP has a deficit to worry about now.

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I just hate this zombie-eyed granny starver so, so fucking much. Been on the government tit his whole life, wants to shred the social safety net for others. A monstrous Eddie Munster creep, but that's unfair to Eddie, who never actively tried to harm people like Paul Ryan has. An Ayn Rand worshipper that our PATHETIC media hailed as a "wonk" and a genius, because starving poor people is cool, he's just another Republican greedy crooked dingbat. Watch his employment by someone like the Koch Brothers real soon, and damn him to hell. A singular piece of shit, he is.

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Newt FTW on that dubious award....he set the stage for the rest of these fuckers.

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Oh, fuck Paul Ryan with a bag of pointy, rusty, legitimate votes; him and the ALEC he rode in on. Do let the door hit you on the ass, and then crawl under a rock for the next 20 years or so.

Very truly not yours, A Poverty-Stricken Voting Citizen

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Self-awareness is not a strong point of that bunch.

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You and me both!

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Paul Ryan is the poster boy of weak sad poop. He also allegedly fucks cows.

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Here's a thought, if a donor dropping USD 100 million affects the result then stop that level of campaign spending.

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... but only the survivors.

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Funny that, George Soros is the devil incarnate, but Sheldon Adelson is the Jew we like. FFS!

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"There were a lot of seats in California we should have won and we got massively outspent," Ryan said. "If you've got a couple of billionaires dropping $100 million on your head, that leaves a mark."

Maybe make some new rules about money in politics? What`s that you say? Freeze peach? Never mind then.

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