I can tell you one thing that will happen. There will be a demand for teachers in Adult basic Education at the community college and Adult school level because the reading and math and critical reasoning skills of a large number of our nations children will need the remedial work necessary just to get entry level jobs. Forget about Jane and Johnny getting into medical school.

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If only teacher's unions were as powerful as cop unions.

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I remember thinking back in 2020 when Our Nation’s Parents were forced to deal with their children at home all day every day that maybe people would get a little more respect for teachers as they realized what monsters their children were and that attempting to make them sit still and maybe getting them to stay on task for a little bit is really difficult.

Boy was I wrong.

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Remember when Covid closed the schools and there were so many suggestions teachers should make $1million a year and they were the true essential workers? That lasted about a month, didn't it, before people were whining about how the kids didn't get Covid (because they were at home) and schools needed to reopen NOW.

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The teachers in the Fresno Unified School District here in California are planning to strike starting November 1st too. Lots of CA districts striking for better pay this year.

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Some North Carolina teacher's unions are starting up here. Starting with building majorities to pressure counties and districts for better pay and support.

Of course, it's the conservative-led legislature who have been refusing to fulfill funding and support mandates for [counts on fingers] nearly ten years. *ahem* Leandro *ahem* Oops, actually it's been decades. *glares in swear words*


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Based on their impact on society, teachers should be among the most highly paid professions in the US!

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Teachers have done more for me that anyone in the armed forces ever has in my lifetime.

There, I said it.

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anywhere, not just the US - education should be properly funded full stop

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Clark County School District in Las Vegas is a total sh**show right now, with their superintendent not giving money to the teachers that was specifically allocated to them by the state. They've been at the bargaining table and were doing rolling "sick outs" until a state judge accused them of striking and threatened them.

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I can't believe I have to say this, but PDX is short for "Portland," and is a widely accepted abbreviation for the city. This enables a wide range of people who read this headline to understand we mean "Portland, Oregon" and not "Portland Maine." And believe me, we'd get grief from people if we assumed that "Portland" alone was "Portland Oregon." Also, "PPS Public Schools" would have made less sense than "ATM Machine"

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When I started reading I thought PDX was Phoenix. And wondered why you kept talking about Oregon.

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We do use our PIN Numbers at the ATMs :)

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

It's only recently that I figured out that PDX = Portland. In prior years, my first guess was always Phoenix, because of the P and X, but I knew that didn't make sense because of the D.

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I don't see how anyone can be a teacher but God luv 'em, they are. They actually CARE about the kids and so many stories out there about how one teacher changed the trajectory of a student's life. Jenisha Watts just had her story published in The Atlantic as a testament to this and there are so many more.

At a local school board to me, the head of the board had not one but two secretaries. Upper level admins making obscene amounts of money already were given housing allowance ($900K+) and cars. Yet the soldiers on the front line struggle to find anything affordable close to the school where they teach. Something isn't right at all.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

There was a scandal here a number of years back with a charter school principal at a school with average scores (despite being allowed to choose students) getting a $700k salary. Really tells you who does the work and who decides how the money gets spent.

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This is completely fucked up. Teachers should be able to afford to live close to where they teach.

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I've been working with the local middle school. Teachers are the hardest working people I've known.

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Especially middle school teachers.

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The striking for reparations is emblematic of a problem with a lot of activism these days where people think everything has to be about everything.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

Just learned this elsewhere: It is highly unlikely in the United States for you to buy a home if you are not earning a minimum of 115,000$ a year. Homeless teachers will be teaching the homeless in parks and empty lots until they are arrested by the police. Count on it.

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The part school system is one of the reasons we moved from portland.

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Emmer stepped on his own dick by kissing Trump’s ass. There won’t be a deal he can make with House Democrats, now, because he just rendered himself (more) untrustworthy.

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Wait, Portland has public schools? I thought the entire city was burned down repeatedly by Antifa.

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I think they got Bowling Green Antifa Drag Queen Story Hour Deep Stated

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Smoldering heap. Saw it on Faux.

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Just like Bowling Green.

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Turmp's/Kayleigh McEnany's mythical "Bowling Green Massacre"...

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My grandfather just missed the Bowling Green Massacre. He got caught in the Battle of Auntie Anne’s Gate 3 during the Civil Wars Airports and missed his connection in Newark.

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How could I forget! Old! Time for the ice flow.

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Honestly, it's hard to keep track of all of the GOP's incessant bullshit...

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Give me props, people! I paraphrased Jenna Ellis's "apology" on the last post. Tell me I didn't say in 4 sentences (that I made up), almost EXACTLY what she said:

“As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously, and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings. in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way. I endeavored to represent my client to the best of my ability.

I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media and to legislators in various states. what I did not do but should have done, your honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true, were in fact true. in the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states — including Georgia — I failed to do my due diligence. I believe in and I value election integrity.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to defend Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse. for those failures of mine, your honor, I have taken responsibility already, before the Colorado Bar, who censured me, and I now take responsibility before this court and apologize to the people of Georgia. thank you.”

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How inadequate.

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She used "I'm totally incompetent and not good at lawyering" as a defense, when she was fired from traffic court for cause...and she WON!

That's pretty brilliant legal strategy right there - I'm too stupid to be fired for cause!

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What a load a bs.

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Seriously, you need a dump truck for that load of crap.

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OR..I fucked around and now I have found out. Oopsy. Thought for sure Trump would be president again and pardon me. Also that he would pay for my counsel.

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Jenna Ellis was apparently pissed off, in a CHRISTIAN way, that Trump just didn't issue a blanket pardon to all the insurrectionists, I mean CHRISTIANS!

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Yeah I love these requests for get out of jail free cards BEFORE they get caught for criming. Like, “go ahead and break any laws you like. I’ll take care of you!” Gaetz and who else asked as well? Gotta be some skeletons they don’t want falling out of their closets.

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I think it was Rudy G, or maybe Steve Bannon?

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