So The Last Fat Man In North Korea is going to meet just another Small Hand Puke. Neither is ever wrong but one of them does prepare for meetings like this.

Gonna be smoking a Churchill sized splib for this one.

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let’s hope their shared affinity for phallic symbols allows them to form a bond with each other, rather than prompt a dick-swinging contest involving the use of aforementioned symbols.

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“policies” is the preferred phrase of Trumpian talking heads for what the rest of us call “rage-tweets of an unhinged narcissist.”

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can you get yourself booked as a “Republican Strategist” on Fox & Friends and float the idea? “The best negotiators I know have one mantra in common: ‘I shall do the opposite.’ It’s a wise man that musters the bravery to go against his gut.”

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and Donald will say, “South Korea should be grateful. I just took democracy off the table.”

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this is all just bullshit anyway. does anybody think north korea is just gonna lob a nuke at us for no reason. then I suppose just wait for us to nuke them back and kill every single north korean? or maybe they'll land on the beaches of the west coast and invade the US? of course they won't. or does anybody think we're going to invade north korea? and what, occupy it? put in a puppet regime? I think the american people have had enough of that especially since north korea doesn't even have any oil. so what the fuck is the point of all this? we go from posturing like we hate each other to posturing like we like each other? it's like a fight where 2 guys keep yelling to their friends "hold me back" when you know neither one of them is actually gonna hit the other

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Better than sex ! what a media spectacle the alpha males "Rocketman " and the "mentally deranged U.S. dotard" in a rendezvous

• After … be rest assured.. for Public consumption !

•“ Dotard “ Trump will claim that his tough approach and bellicose rhetoric toward North Korea paid off and knocked reason into the "Rocketman."

•“ Rocketman." Kim Jong Un, in turn, will present himself as a triumphant leader to his isolated people, pointing out that he — with the help of his nuclear and missile tests — has finally managed to get the "mentally deranged U.S. dotard" to engage in direct talks with the North Korean leader……..

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Drumpf will certainly convince Kim to pay for the wall...

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When I was five, my seven-year-old brothers challenged me to a pepper eating contest (black pepper).

I won.

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Okay, I feel like a wackjob for saying this, but does anyone else think that Putin has a hand in this? Cause me do. Me do...

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also, why do I have a bad feeling that fatty mcpumpkinface is gonna end up with a flipping Nobel peace prize. No, right? R I G H T?

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I can certainly see a lot of people on the right filling out the nomination form -- perhaps even some that actually count as real nominations! -- but since McTurtle and the ZEGS aren't on the Prize committee, I doubt he'd actually win the award. Of course, two years ago I would never have thought he'd be in the White House, so...

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This. It's clearly evident to the world the US can't be relied upon anymore.

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"That Dennis Rodman guy, he can really rebound basketballs, can't he? Isn't he wonderful?"

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It's not just the MSM


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