Bill Kirchen was the lead guitarist on Commander Cody's version of Hot Rod Lincoln. Bill's extended version includes an extended homage to many pioneers of country, rock, rockabilly, & blues guitar, with a few avatars of the the jazz world thrown in for good measure. His patter is hilarious; best line - he calls the Monkees the "pre-fab four." ;)


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Yesterday was Frodo's fourteenth birthday. We're about to head off to the vet for his shots and to get a weird thing on his nose looked at. And anal glands... My vet charges fifteen bucks to take care of that and it's worth twice that, in my mind, cuz ick. Anyway, here's Frodo enjoying a nice campfire at deer camp this weekend.


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I've had worse holidays.

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Speaking of nice things:

I lost my beloved Clover a year and a half ago. I've missed her terribly.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Yesterday, I adopted another bunny! Meet the Princess Penelope Proudfoot!



She's a Flemish Giant, 8 weeks old, and already at 5 pounds! She'll be in seclusion for a couple days, while she gets used to the smells and sounds here, and we get her litter trained. She's my gift to myself, and I hope we're a gift to her.

Welcome home, Penny!

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Needs moar Yakbell!

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Our good boi Watson showing off his new Christmas sweater. He has yet to destroy it as of this morning.

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Plus, they have a lot of cool things to buy, and their prices are crazy good.

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LOL, imagine going into a coma when Obama was president, and waking up a few years later and finding out that Trump was now president. That would be so utterly shocking. I was awake for the whole time, and I still some times wake up and think "holy, shit, Donald Trump is the POTUS, WTF????

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She is not allowed on the couch. Which doesn't stop her from being on the couch, of course; it just makes her look guilty.

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Needs more ferrets! ;)

Fangsiving: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The despised Xmas sweater:https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I feel the same way about my elderly friend Vito. On the one hand, I'm glad he didn't live to see it, OTOH, I miss having someone to roll my eyes with.

I've never been a religious person, but I pray every day that Trump gets booted out in 2020. I really fear for this country if he gets another 4 years. The courts are going to be permanently fucked.

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