Kissinger is a legend the same way Ed Gein is a legend

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“He pulled the stopper out of the crystal decanter she kept full of Amaretto in case Truman Capote ever stopped by.”

So Dame Peggington saved Amaretto for that potential occurrence?

Shhhh! No one tell her that Truman bit the big one in 1984, mkay? We wouldn’t want her to drink it all at once if she discovered the truth.

And where is Manuel or Carlos or whoeverthefuck her gin provisioning “assistant” was. He used to be a key part of reporting on Dame Peggington.

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So you’re saying Henry is legally insane?

Honestly, the comparison isn’t good. Kissinger has a much larger body count he’s responsible for.

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I understand why they thought they had to stop Mr. Trump — our big media come largely from New York, which had known him for more than 30 years and saw him not as the commanding presence on “The Apprentice” but as a con man who always seemed to operate one step ahead of the law.

In other words, the New York media saw Trump for what he really was, and is.

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"A student asked how Trump supporters can believe, after all the investigations and judicial decisions, that Joe Biden lost and he won. I said there are a lot of parts to that. Americans have always loved conspiracism, it’s in our DNA." Don't answer the question and flood the zone with bullshit. Classic Rethuglican non answer answer. Tricky Dick is smiling down on Dame Noontini.

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