"George H.W. Bush was tender. He feels the tugs and tides of history. "God bless America, and thank you very much." He rose from his wheelchair to acknowledge the crowd."

My high school English comp teacher would have eaten Noonan alive.

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This is the first time I've ever heard anyone, anywhere call Obama "creepy." Is that her quaalude-and-scotch-cocktail way of saying "uppity"?

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Planet Reagan.

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<i>"he was elected because he was the farthest thing possible from Mr. Bush."</i>

...he was elected because he was intelligent.


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Wait - is Obama going to take away Peggy's gin?

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Perhaps Peggy's editors did a little creative interpretation of "ckahv;oia;" which was what was typed when she licked spilled booze off the keyboard.

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I have yet to hear Obama voice the idea that he is somehow superior. Of course, he <i>demonstrates</i> it every time he manages legislation, proposes visionary new ideas, fixes another Bush fuckup, or opens his mouth.

But the bitter resentment of the Party of Pig-Ignorance toward President Constitutional Law Professor has created this image of Obama as a snooty elitist and they are not gonna let go of it.

In all fairness, that's because Obama's a child of inherited wealth and white privilege, who owns so many houses he forgets the exact number and who never had to live hand to mouth; who knows nothing of what poor people have to cope with and has never had any interactions with the working class except when they clean his house or he fires them and sends their jobs to China and their children to war.

Or was that more a description of W, Mitt, and John McCain? I get them all confused. Which one is the black guy, again?

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I thought "Decent Human Being" was the farthest thing possible from Bush...

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Hey, anything but the 12 year old scorched earth look...

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If Margret Thatcher taught us anything, it's that Ridiculing the Dead is the New Black.

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Sarah Palin. Readers. HAH! That's rich!

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<i>he famously trusted his gut but also his heart</i>

Peggy is blissfully unaware that this is exactly why he was such a fucking disaster.

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She really needs a hobby.

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