I never pictured you as Elvis.

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"that corned beef sandwich she’d eaten for lunch at the Carnegie."

If you've just eaten <a href="http:\/\/media-cdn.tripadvisor.com\/media\/photo-s\/01\/02\/a8\/1e\/woody-allen-sandwich.jpg" target="_blank">one of those things </a>, one thing you're assuredly <i>not</i> doing is walking around.

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Like the bikini-babes-with-guns shirt, it's OK if you are a liberal.

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Murdoch seems pretty sure that the WSJ readership is as dumb as his NY Post audience. They're really not, and I'm thinking they might tire of being fed such drivel.

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They certainly conserve it. In fact, they hardly use it at all.

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Also, it references Our Editrix.

I've seen that red dress.

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Peg's just jealous because history books generally don't have sections on alcoholic former speechwriters for dreadful presidents.

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They can always give them self an impeachment, I'm sure that will help their mode.

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Ah Gary, your beautiful prose reveals an elegant simple truth. Peggy and her "conservative intellectual" friends have an amazing ability. They can gather random events and with their superior minds create an entire reality that is far more fulfilling than the mundane world the rest of us live in. Of course Obama is just like Nixon! Imagine him roaming the halls of the White House, friendless, defeated, dejected - it makes you feel good doesn't it? But it gets better. His defeat has addled his mind. He's acting as if he's won and he won't listen to anyone. How can we possibly survive the next two years if ...ooh wait, I think I'm getting a hard-on.

Don't you see? It doesn't stop there. In Peggy's world, Mitt Romney is a god with an amazingly charming personality. Dick Cheney is just a warm little teddy bear when you get to know him and Sarah Palin can be really sharp when she wants to be. The rest of us would see it too, if only the Democrats would slash taxes so those high paying jobs would start flowing.

God, I wish I had a conservative intellectual mind so I could be part of that world. I guess I'll just have go on living in this so-called "reality", as sad as it may be. Of course if I need a reality boost, there's always drugs and alcohol.

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Nah mang, we got our own <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/566552\/relax-with-a-boozy-old-fashioned-lady" target="_blank">boozy Old Fashioned Lady!</a>

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"Sister Peggy Noonan of the Order of Our Lady of the Diazepam Torpor..."


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Henry VIII?

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<i>"It is only when one enters a state of blind drunkenness that one can see things clearly."</i> -- PN

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