No,No dear. The other one, those people with all those pillars and bath houses. The Ottomans ? No, that doesn't seem right. It will come to me after I refresh this bottle of artisanal organic vino from Campania. So complex, so full of cyclical history.

side note: I have waaay too much time on my hands on my days off

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What happens to Apologist Editorial Spinster when she turns her most powerful wordsmithery against the Elites she normally blusters for? What of populism? O Reagan, I have sinned!

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Shorter Peggy Noonan: Wasn't there an empire that collasped under the weight of their hubris, inbreeding and decandence? No, I'm thinking of those Space Wars films. Pablum for the unwashed masses.

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Also a person who makes a declarative sentence into a question by adding "no?" at the end. Ya know,like ya do.

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...I was going to have her tickle me with a <strike>pheasant </strike>peasant

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Alright, I'll admit it - I don't get that comment. (which wouldn't be allowed here)

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I know, no?

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"Business leaders" and "Wall Street" are synonymous?

Nice try.

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Allegorical animals feast on other allergoric animals. Lions eat the Hyenas and the Sheep and then die of starvation because they ate everything all at once.

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In second grade we were asked to define "abroad". The boy who answered said " A big lady."

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So Peggeen has finally noticed that the Elite are acknowledging their position at the top of the food chain and they know being greedy & cynical keeps them there.Some of them are simply more proud of this than others.

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It's really not their fault. It's just tough for a dame to pee on a tree.

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I hear that you can discourage that behavior by scattering moth balls around.

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It's OK. I laugh at the elites.

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To keep from biting their throats.

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Jesus, woman. No one gives a fuck what you think.

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