The dullahan is a popular monster in YA Japanese media.

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Buckley also noted that half of Americans have never read a book since leaving school and said we should identify those people and keep them from voting.

Buckley was a nazi. A nazi who was too fastidious to snuggle up with McCarthy, which made liberals forget he was a nazi. Buckley was a nazi.

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Giants never play bowls. Jets on the other hand...

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Not if you don't have one.

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Lovely, Gary.

Decades ago, a friend invited me apple picking in some upstate village or other. Her brothers came, too. They wanted to go on a hayride. I did not; my daytime coat was not warm enough for the icy woods. However, given that they were my ride back to the city, I went along. I'd been on another hayride earlier in life, when we sat on loads of hay. This was an empty wooden cart with a few stalks of hay here and there. It was extremely uncomfortable; not a hayride at all. Wish Peggy's experience had mirrored that.

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I always admired Gore Vidal for speaking truth to power and calling Buckley a "pro- or crypto-nazi" to his face

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Amazing how conservatives twist themselves in knots to deny basic reality... or maybe not that amazing

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That article on Buckley is devastating.

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I had to look him up - he's pretty good, in a dickens-trollope kind of way. Not as acerbic as twain & bierce

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Does Peggy ever mention Black people? Or any race trouble or Black people who aren't in race trouble but who she's talked to because they're nice celebrities? Could this be one of the secrets to the somnolent soothing atmosphere she casts over every column? I know very well she's confident of soothing somebody out there. Somebody rich and old who's counting on her.

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God but she's an insufferable fucking idiot.

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Penguin eats pills, takes headless man, wonders how hayride can speak.

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I appreciate Gary's summary, but urge folks to read the entire column in context. If this isn't a cynical, elitist (i.e., smug conservative) attempt at voter suppression . . .

Maybe you feel pressure to vote, maybe your friends or associates will tease or embarrass you if you don’t, but I don’t know. If at this point in your life, for whatever reason, you don’t care that much and haven’t bothered to learn much and get a sense of the candidates—if in your heart you know you’re not as committed and informed as the neighbors, who are always going out to meetings and helping local groups—then I say it would be honorable to hold off and spend the next few years studying. This would be an act of humility. Democracies can’t continue without at least someone being humble.So if you’re serious and take our political life seriously, please go Tuesday to the polls. And if not, admit it to yourself and try to become a better citizen so you can vote in good conscience next time.

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"suburban women don’t care about your feelings"

Oh look, Peggy Noonan has turned to Ben Shapiro for inspiration.

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B*4's ghost haunts this...

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The only thing I like about Peggy Noonan is Gary Legum's incredible satire of her.

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