If the artists at Charlie Hebdo drew their illustrations with as many broad strokes and incorrect details as Chuggy Noonan, nobody would have ever been insulted.

"So, this vague smudge, you're saying it's Mohammed? And is that ... A canoe? A boomerang?"

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If only Andres Serrano had made his "Jesus And Jar of Wee" a multimedia sculpture instead of a photograph, those Catholic Frenchies probably wouldn't have been so keen to have attacked it with hammers!

But then it could have been guzzled by Todd Starnes. Sort of a no-win situation, I guess.

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I'm shaken, but not stirred.

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"I know what you mean about not being surprised at anything that might come out of a dog's ass."

I was wondering where you were going with this story, and yet here we are, back at Republican politicians. Nice segue.

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Nope: <a href="http:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/salman-rushdie-meet-charlie-hebdo-1420763547" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.wsj.com/articles/salman-rushdie-meet-c...">http://www.wsj.com/articles...

The WSJ "paywall" is as robust as a decorative row of petunias.

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High-velocity metal projectiles and fragments do tend leave one with indelible <strike>perforations</strike> impressions.

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Does Miss Peggy have something stuck in her योनी ?

(I'm trying to be as delicate as possible here.)

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"Maybe it would be instructive to look at how we in the West handle what is rude and unpleasant and offensive."

We elect them to Congress, obviously!

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...I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with the tone you use when you mention "Dewars"!!!!

<strong>**Sips 18oz glass of Dewars**</strong>

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And is Sister Peggy Noonan switching to scotch instead of gin for 2015? I hope Manuel can keep enough ice in the house.

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...at least she didn't say "West Indies"!

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...reverse racism(which is possibly the most idiotic right wing term in existence)!!!

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Well, Dewars was founded in 1846.

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And really, that artist who made "Piss Christ" should have named it "Pee-sus Christ".

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