Oh Peggy queen of the pure rum eggnog how about staying far away in your life long stupor and leave the big people business to the sober

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And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing she hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!

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Funny thing, after all that Nuremberg stuff, a whole bunch of militaries (our own included) started doing trainings on identifying and refusing unlawful orders. But, of course, this was the CIA, and they had a legal memo shield. Just another day at the office.

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that's the problem- people are fucking cowards who will throw their supposed deeply held principles under the bus at the first whiff of trouble.

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Ach, but ve are besser Churmans zan zee Churmans, dontchaknow?

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"partisan resentment, guilt and blame shifting. "

OK, let's have a look: "Partisan resentment" means only Dems are upset by this, and GOPtards think it's all just fine. Yep. "Guilt" - only on the part of the Dems, it seems (see above). "Blame shifting" is an odd one, given that nowhere does the report "blame" anybody.

Two out of three ain't bad, for Peggles.

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I knew it all along. The senile actor was taking advice from a drunk.

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Ah yes, the timing. That is the problem. Just like Barry's immigration initiative: sure, it relieves injustices, but why now? Won't those injustices always be there? Save some for later, you greedy Dems.

Or slavery. Yes it had to eliminated one day, but not in 1863.

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<i>There was no operating manual to guide the choices and decisions made by the men and women in charge of protecting us,” </i>

Wait, wasn't there some Bronze Age document that was alluded to in another post on this site which is the final say for everything in our lives? Hennh?

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<em>She had once spilled an entire Negroni on a light-colored frock</em>

I think that particular drink is now called a "Ni of Color".

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She comes dangerously close to a moment of enlightenment, but then falls back into her gin soaked truisms and partisan talking points. Yes, the Japanese were reviled for their brutality and torture (not to menton the inherent racism, etc. on our part). Now c'mon Pegster, connect the dots. Mebe, just mebe, the reason most of the Middle East hates us isn't because they are barbaric animals what hate our freedumbs. Mebe they are no more fond of having their friends, neighbors and families tortured than we were. Think, Madame Tanqueray, you almost have it figured out- DON'T TORTURE!- but then you decide that since it's your team that bears the lion's share of responsibility for that torture and since it's your team that seems to be the ones still trying to justify it, mebe we shouldn't actually, you know, hold anyone accountable. Don't do it again, but if you do we won't "judge" you and we'll just blame partisan politics if anyone writes another one of those pesky reports. Sadly, this is about as close to Republican self awareness as we are likely to get on this issue...

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I see lots of those posts on my facederp. Apparently to the conservative mind, it's OK to be just slightly better than the worst example of humanity. None of them seem to understand that the reason we shouldn't torture is because we're supposed to be better than that and which terrorist did what despicable thing doesn't fucking matter. It's about who WE ARE, not about who and what they are.

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I won't argue with that...

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Worse yet, as horrendous as those orders were, the CIA didn't even stick to just following them

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I hope Sister Peggy Noonan gets a new horse tranquilizer prescription and a case of gin for Christmas. We wouldn't want those 2015 columns becoming all lucid and factual!

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