Hey, I've heard of those Wisconsin supper clubs!! Cocktails and appetizers, huge amounts of food, desserts. And often near a lake. Guess it makes up for the weather.

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i don't know. he was pretty good in 'brother rat and a baby'.

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" It’ll take you aback"

Shut yer pie hole ya frazzled sodden harpy. You're just upset that the president is a black.

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yeah, but a card-carrying union man, nonetheless.

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Isn't it long past time for Dame Noonington to self-deport to the alternate universe where King Cheney I watches over the brown, yellow, red and black hordes with an iron fist?

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I request that we have more posts like that last one yesterday: posts about literal sluts and hoes, instead of these figurative ones.

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Oh Pegster, you drunken crone, you have it badly confused. Barry Bamz can have off days, but on the whole, he's about a thousand times more interesting an orator than Ramblin' Ronnie ever was.

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It's not just the gin-head, though. How sad is it that Saint Ronnie is the hero of the whole conservative movement? The selective amnesia of that bunch is telling indeed.

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As if Peggy was going to be sober enough to listen anyway.Drink another 5th and call us when your dead bitch

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