Wait...Tom & Peyton are in on the codes???? And def not Paree, Giselle might be walking the cat, or cat walking, you know that thing that she does.

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The dude with the football? Very easy to masturbate to. Jesus, just check out his butt cheeks! In that spandexy type stuff! Just don't read the rest of the drivel - focus on THAT ONLY. SO exciting!

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I've finally remembered who she reminds me of; the old faded movie star in that movie 'Sunset Boulevard'.

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I woulda thought it was maybe 'admin' or 'guest'.

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Yep, Peggers used to work for the.... whadid they call him again? Oh, right, the Great <i>Do-er</i>. Or maybe she's thinking of what her glass has run out of.

Oh, and <i>traditionally assumed competence</i>, yeah, I would have traditionally assumed that the ex-chief of the Arabian Horsey Club and a trust-fund baby who never did anything successful in his life were competent to save the city of New Orleans or to keep us safe from terrorists. Or even figure out who the terrorists were. What a bummer that Pegs won't let me trust that nice blah man in the White House.

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I told them that the cover story that he was a sign language interpreter was never going to fly. All right, which deaf guy blabbed?

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Thanks. I missed it. I wonder if Pegs likes traffic lights?

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Umm ... I don't know about the "already" bit. That link is to a 2009 item.

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There's a few thousand folks in NOLA who might disagree about Katrina being "over". It's only over for republitards who want to forget it ever happened.

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Pessimist: "The glass is half empty. Optimist: "The glass is half full." Peggy: "There's room for more gin."

Of course, as any engineer could tell you, "The glass is too big."

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Thank you. It's the weather. Sadly, I'm used to them. But it does make surviving a high school Xmas assembly and turkey dinner problematic.

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That dog whistle is making my migraine worse. Fuck off, bitch.

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The Mother Teresa of concern trolls. But once you've been around Ronaldus Magnus mere mortals in the White House are bound to disappoint.

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