Oh, I tried my level best to get around the paywall. It's that whole masochism thing. Or because I just enjoy the smell of week-old gin sweats.

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"cough cough" Grover Norquist "cough cough"

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Pegs has me so confused. Why does her blond hair look like a teen's would? Why do her cheeks look fresh and tight like a teen's would? While at the same time why do here eyes look like a tired old bag's would?

Which is it Pegs? Which? (at which point she chooses another round of gin).

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Circular arguments are the easiest to get lost in, methinks.

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A diverse party with everyone in on the fight, no loyalty oaths or litmus tests, is what is needed.

Yup, she's been in the cooking sherry. AGAIN.

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It's turtles all the way down!

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As long as they're not wearing the boots, of course...

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Part of the Trinity, along with the Koch brothers.

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Order, shmorder. -It's a moebius loop!

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Well, more of a suggestion, really.

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NOOOO!!! These Noonan bits are my favorite thing on Teh Wonk!

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I was merely smirking until the last two words... now I've fallen and I can't get up! Can't... breathe... too much LOL...

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Once again those diabolical Democrats outmaneuver the Republicans, forcing them into having to aggressively promote their anti-American views openly...

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These boots were made for other people's children . . .

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Sanity has a well known liberal bias.

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The weird thing is that Australia still has all kindsa problems with their extremist right wingers. Are Australians just naturally pricks?

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