Understood. His film career came after. Jerry Coleman, Willie Mayes, Ted Williams, and many other professional athletes did their service. Bob Feller was on the USS Alabama with my uncle. Uncle John said their baseball team didn't lose a game during the entire war. And in WW I - Capt. Eddie Grant.

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Died of cancer caused by the radioactive sand caused by nuclear testing in the desert in which they shot his movies, and even transported the sand to an LA soundstage for studio shots. He got sick and died cuz his gummint kept that a secret. Republithug to the end though. Go figure.

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Wayne was born in Iowa and then his family moved to California.

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You are the best, Gary Legum. Stop by more often.

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The morphing into a bat is pure narcotic hallucination. Just a fantastic image, Gary.

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A woman of declining relevance.

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Susan Hayward also, too.

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Bob Hope was born in the UK.

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Thank you! Wayne was born in Iowa.

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Thank you!

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Not to mention his support of Joseph McCarthy and his service as an enforcer of the House Unamerican Activities Committee's Hollywood blacklist.

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Don't blame Legum. That was the half-bat/half-John Wayne speaking.

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Peggy Noonan is precisely what I would expect from Murdoch's Wall Street Urinal.

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Who served with Sgt. Bob Keeshan, also a Marine, A.K.A Captain Kangaroo. Marvin told that story to Johnny Carson (Ensign, USN) "back in the day". It's probably on a Kinescope somewhere.

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Jointly with the composer George Antheil.

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AS Research, Development, and Drooling Inc.14 Faceless Commercial Buildings PlazaTooexpensiveforthelikesofyouville, CA 95014.5

Dear Ms. Noonan,

We have been reading your (what to call them? think-pieces? effusions? unhinged ramblings?) and believe you could be a valuable asset in our attempts to create viable AS technology.

AS (Artificial Stupidity) attempts to computer-generate Incoherence, Casuistry, and All-Around Lunkheadedness on a commercially viable basis. In accordance with our Mission, we have invented complex algorithms that attempt to simulate actual human stupidity.

Unfortunately, experience has proved that, although our programs are capable of barfing up impressive quantities of DFO (Dumb Fuck Output,) they still lag behind actual human lamebrains. Any random brain fart by Marco Rubio, for instance, is far beyond our current technology.

This is a matter of great concern, as it stands to reason that, as more and more stupid people succumb to COVID and Monkey Pox, we may face emergency shortages of DBT (Dim Bulb Thinking.)

To avoid this dire consequence, we are experimenting with a technique involving what the general public calls Subcranial Impulse Sensor-Processors. (The scientific term is Stick-in-Head Thingies.)

We propose to bang several of these babies right into your brain and download your thought processes to our space-age computers. During the process, which will be somewhat painless, you will resemble Elsa Lanchester in The Bride of Frankenstein, a classic film (although we do not believe that John Wayne was in it.)

You may be wondering whether this procedure involves any risk. Well, to be commonsensical, gutsy, quick, and able to size up the situation, we have to admit it goldurn sure does, Pilgrim. In particular, it is likely to cause some degree of mental impairment. But judging from your op-ed pieces, nobody will notice.

We will pay your dollars or gin, whichever you prefer.

In hope of a favorable response, I remain yours truly,

Raymond Luxury Yacht,Senior Vice-President for Research and Sexual Harassment

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