It's easy to remember the difference- hoi polloi is that bland, tasteless gruel that Hawaiians make from tree bark and volcanic ash, then feed to the tourists. A hoity-toity is one of those weird snowflake looking drink coaster things old people like Peggy put on their furniture to keep it from being scratched by her illegal alien housekeeper when she cleans weekly, or to prevent cup rings when her ungrateful children bring those awful little monster grandchildren by for their semi annual trip to see grandma.

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And with that, The Bidenator nails it!

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Webb's only pertinent qualification in Peggy's estimation is that he was, for a little while, Saint Ronnie of Santa Barbara's Navy secretary. In real life he is a naked opportunist with no real principles except advancing his own station in life. He'd run on the Surrealist Light People's Party ticket if he thought he could win.

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Happy hour!

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But, Benghazi.

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Not insane!

Well, at least not Papoon.

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Doubly so. The Chronicles of Noonia just keep rolling along. Keep up the brilliant work, GL.

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She looks like she is experiencing the mother of all toothaches.

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Thanks to a certain President cutting community mental health funding, Pegs is able to walk the streets...

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<i>"They know Harry Reid is a poor face of the party, a small-town undertaker who never gets around to telling you the cost of the casket."</i>

She's right! The Demoncrats need leaders who are like Louis Gohmert, Mitch McConnell, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Michele Bachmann. Maybe they can get someone like that <a href="http:\/\/www.dailykos.com\/story\/2013\/03\/14\/1194062\/-10-reasons-why-Ronald-Reagan-would-be-persona-non-grata-at-CPAC-2013#nine" target="_blank">abortion-legalizing</a>, <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonmonthly.com\/political-animal\/2011_09\/the_biggest_tax_hike_in_modern032511.php" target="_blank">tax raising</a>, <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986" target="_blank">amnesty-granting</a>, <a href="http:\/\/www.salon.com\/2011\/02\/04\/busby_iran_contra\/" target="_blank">lawless</a> Ronald Reagan

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<strike>Nancy Pelosi</strike> Dame Noonan is an <strike>attractive,</strike> noncredible partisan who just natters wordage.

FIFY, Peggers.

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<blockquote>In the Obama era the Democratic Party has gone from being a party of people to a party of issues, such as global warming, and the pressure groups—and billionaires—that push them.</blockquote>

Ah, <b>this</b> old chestnut again. Please do enlighten us, Drunkie McGinsponge, as to who these mysterious, evil billionaires are and what their possible agenda could be for pushing what you believe is nothing more than a great big hoax? FYI, just because you repeat the lie a billion times, doesn't make it true, no matter how hard you ignore the science.

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If there weren't billionaires spending millions to fight public understanding of global warming, it wouldn't even be an issue, but the anti-science "sober and sophisticated" are glad to take their money, consequences be damned.

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That line about billionaires sounds like class warfare. I think you meant "job creators." Silly liberals.

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We are about to find out what effect two more years of doing absolutely nothing at all has on a country. I'm anticipating: not much good.

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Peggy's gin blossoms are visible from space.

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