The historians that I have read have suggested that being from a privileged background she would not have understood that if the Peasants had no bread, they did not have access to and could not afford cake.

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Yet another interpretation I read, which actually makes more sense, is that "cake" in that context was not "cake" as in fancy dessert; rather, it referred to the flour that "caked up" on the sides of the oven when the bread was removed. It was generally free and given away to beggars. So "let them eat cake" was exactly the kind of calloused indifference it sounded like.

But there is good authority that she never actually said it.

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Peggy may have exaggerated, but her point is valid. People's speech should not be dictated to by misguided academics under threats of accusations of bigotry.Speech changes naturally with societal change and those changes are either generally accepted or not. Ms. caught on because it made sense to let go of a woman's marital status as part of her title. Most of this new speech code is idiotic and will not be accepted.

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Sentiment was pretty high against the royals at that point propaganda would have been rife. So you are probably right, in that she never said it.

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Did she ever say sarcastic things anyway? We suppose she would, because we suppose their position was the royal family knew they were getting away with stealing from the peasants. The king may have despised his subjects by that point in the Revolution, but, would Marie Antoinette be anything but scared by the uprising? Kings had ruled by Divine Right, so royal family members did not live their lives feeling defensive about their wealth, and that's why it's interesting that she wouldn't even have understood what she was supposed to have meant by that thing she was supposed to have said.

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Our local store just put up a new display, the first winter holiday decorations to come out. Oh, oops, did I forget to say "Christmas"? Crap, now there has gotta be a war. F'kn hypocrite. I don't even care if Peggy is one of the War on Christmas nutjobs, those people are her peeps. F'kn hypocrite.

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Yes, being in France, I would think they would value what was considered to be wittiness in court and since she was Austrian by birth she would have been trying extra hard to fit in,

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"And yet, have you ever met them? " Why, no,Your Damington-Peggingtonship! Wherever did You meet them? Perhaps the same place you Saw a Mexican?

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Why do you listen to NPR?

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Do you smell toast?

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Is this a Ten Minute Hate?

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Is that a dried prune or a John the Conquer Root?

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Rat people already control Earth.

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No, I mean we see this thru our modern eyes-- the royal family on the defensive about their wealth. But in those days Kings believed they had no obligation to the people. They had a Divine Right to rule period. The people were there to pay them taxes, and that was it. That's what was so amazing about the Revolution, and also, our decision to rule ourselves. So why would Marie Antoinette be sarcastic toward the peasants? She'd only be terrified by what was going on, I should think. Of course we could find out by reading about her and what she did used to say during her last year.

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“People's speech should not be dictated to by misguided academics under threats of accusations of bigotry.“

Except that’s not what happened.

A collaborative, unofficial document on a Google Team Drive with ideas for suggested best practices for faculty & student leaders, designed to start a conversation about how to create a welcoming place for people who don’t fit the binary white narrative, was leaked by an outrage troll to a conservative blog.

There was no dictating, there was no change ever suggested to the student code of conduct, and there was a lot of pearl clutching over a whole lot of nothing.

The end result is that people who actually support an evolving vernacular still can’t have these conversations in front of people who don’t, or else we’re accusing the latter of being bigoted.

I prefer to use the phrase “resistant to enlightenment” personally, but it’s their outrage, not mine. Best regards.

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