I disliked Peggy noonan when I first noticed her, as a pundit on the Joe Scarborough show.

Michelle Obama gave a speech during Obama's first run for president. The one of the "terrorist fist bump" fame. Peggy said from the sidelines, " she's a big ol horse of a woman, isn't she?"

That's when I started despising her.

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Just telling you how they see it..seems some Liberals have their myths too .You might not like it ,but study them and find out what I mean.

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Right,that's why they created Reagan,and keep looking in vain for another.Gun tottin ,man coming into roust out the " bad guys".Bush 2 ..they loved him for that image.....and terrible Iraq war legacy !

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Have a great day!

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Welp, there's only one way to sensibly keep us all safe. Retroactively deport all the Irish immigrants and their progeny.

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Former journalist and subsequent speechwriter for Saint Ronald of the Raygun and Bush the 41. A prominent figure and pundit in the 1980s; if you were around back then you would remember her. Known for authoring finely crafted speeches filled with soaring images and inspirational flourishes that were rhetorical porn for the revitalized conservative movement that Reagan led.

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Without the humor. Where oh where is our Charles Nelson Reilly? Ru Paul, it is.

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Uncle Ben Carson is on sedatives, the antipsychotical kind. Haldol or Thorazine? Does it matter?

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We still have La Streep!

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Prolly AOT, K

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Pegster does have a son and he's an editor at Daily Beast, Will Rayn. Which probably messes her up, not him.

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Since Rayn is not an international spy, I'm the one who's disappointed.

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Jeez, don't you people understand? If she says something with her chin resting on her hand, it must be true.

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She's gone all the way from "Hark at me" to "Hark at anomie."

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(Respectful applause)

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She's got it bookmarked....

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