โ€œYouโ€™ve met America where, at Ripon Society meetings?โ€ Lady Liberty cackled as she used her torch to light a giant cigarette and blow a great plume of smoke towards New Jersey. It is fortunate that Her Serene Highness is wolfing down her cut of my Jimmy Dean Breakfast Meat Bowl in the kitchen and out of my startle range. Gary, you never disappoint with a Dame Noonington post.

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Uttering "America is not a racist country" should be a free pass for being kicked in the crotch.

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"Take it from me, a light skinned peson of color who changed their name to Whitey McWhiterson."

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Ripon SocietyNow thereโ€™s a group I havenโ€™t heard about in a long time.

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How terribly nice of Milady Noonan to solve the problem of black-on-black crime.

Now she might turn her attention to the problem of white-on...

Oh, wait, the gin delivery is here.

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The only part of this I find unbelievable is that Lady "Liberty" would be smoking tobacco, at the very least she'd be smoking weed, using a roach clip.

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"America is not a racist country.โ€ Everyone who scrambles over our border knows that...

And then we cage them in conditions worse than dogs and punt them back over into Mexico to be raped, abused, and killed by the cartels we fund with our drug money and policy and arm with our gun policies because white voters are paranoid about having to push one for English.

And yet, refugees and immigrants still come here because we don't have CIA armed death squads and cartels funded by our drug money and policies roaming the streets looking to rape, torture, and kill them... yet.

Given the choice between a literal hellhole full of murder, rape, and torture, and a racist shit state where the majority population will treat me like shit, but probably not kill me, I'd still trek up to America too.

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[Chef's kiss.]

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Simply superb.

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Strictly speaking, copper (over iron framework) face; not stone.

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I'm picturing this entire story illustrated in the style of Winsor McCay.

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George Soros endorsed DeSantis?

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"Scrambles over our border" is so fucking condescending. That is Peggy's signature.

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Keri lake is definitely a # 2.

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