Peg's talking to her caesar salad again

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She came. She saw. She had a salad.

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She just says any name that pops into her head.

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The only meat she ever fondled was Regan's

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She may also be babbling in her spam. I see that one of the replies to you is spammy to the max and I can't even find a flag.

EDIT: Finally found the flag. Jesus, of all the places to stick a get-rich-quick spam, Wonkette! Hey you guys, go where the suckers hang out.

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Well there is a spanish word disparate which does apparently translate to nonsense in English but I think her "bull—" is bullshit.

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Butterhead lettuce is a variety that has gently rolling, softish leaves, unlike, say, Iceberg or Romaine, which have a more distinct crunch. If one were nursing a simply devastating headache from an evening of likkering it up with friends at the maison, this would be a consideration.

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On artisanal white bread. With the crusts cut off.

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"Disparate." "Elite." "Notions."

Just the way every New York immigrant sandwich counter guy speaks. No doubt.

I hope somebody actually goes and finds this gentleman (if they can) and speaks with him and gets the facts.

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Yeh! Go find a site where lonely people don't post content for free!

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Actually, his English sounds pretty fixed to me.

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And neither one had a real job.

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I think she meant to write, "Mi amigo imaginario...."

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And the French-style string beaners from Egypt, Maine Up North.

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Even in the Gunhumpy48 there are some nicer (as in saner, less humpy) areas. Most are in places where nobody lives (not even preppers or Galt-goers, it seems), but still.

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Yes, olive loaf on crustless Wonder Bread indeed, but served without the meat filler or the gluten pad components in a stemmed crystal glass with a cone-shaped bowl.

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