Yup. I have problems with the ACA, because it is insufficient. But it is a start, and arguably the best start we could expect, given the last five years of "Oh, no, a black President" obstructionfucking from the GOTP.

But this website -- this is a pretty well-known thing. There are, certainly, some serious security concerns, but, for fuck's sake, they had three years. This suggests that they spent two and a half years waving Powerpoint at each other, and then finally tried to write some code. This is a management failure. And because of the extraordinary political importance, it's a Presidential management failure.

And now, waffling like we have no idea what the point of the whole thing was.


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I replied to Lionel's reply to you, but now I'm going to reply to you, also, too.

If you review my comment history, I think you will find that I am generally supportive of the President, although I think he is center-right, and far less concerned about civil rights than he presents himself.

On the matter of the ACA website rollout: while you could argue that this is just a technical glitch, the fact is that the functionality of the site had a HUGE impact on public perception, and this was foreseeable years ago. I do not expect Pres O to have personally written the website code, but I do rather expect him to have made bloody clear to the people writing it that it had to be done on time and fucking well work. This does not seem to have happened. This is an extraordinarily serious management failure, because of the importance of the matter.

I fully agree that the ACA is not the website, and I expect that the eventual impact of the ACA will transcend these start-up glitches. But I'm not sure I agree that the criticism of the roll out has gone beyond legitimate. This was a fairly huge fuck up. Somebody -- or several levels of somebodies -- were not paying attention for THREE FUCKING YEARS. And, as a result, the pretty-vanilla ACA is now subject to bullshit attacks by morons.


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have a blast for the next week or so repubs. give us that signature bile. gloat, whine, tease, point fingers, scream lies about lies and the lying liars who told them (and for good measure throw in benghazi. because, why not?). cause you know what's coming?

nothing. absolutely nothing.

it's law, it's settled, it's started and it's not going anywhere. nor is the president. we may screw around with the details but the more you scream, the more you ensure a prediction the economist (yes, that one) made around 2010: if it doesn't work, the centralizing force of large gov't programs will move increasingly to a single payer type program for fixes.

you got your very own preferred plan made into law. you see that as a loss because you've lost any resemblance to a party that serves the public good. keep it up: you'll make your plan our socialized medicine.

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oh yeah and fuck you peggy. you are a disgrace to noblesse oblige.

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Keep in mind, while Teevee is still king, for now, it is really losing ground. Most youngs don't even consider teevees to be anything more than a larger place to stream Neflix and play Videogames.

Kochs and Murdochs have invested fortunes in their media empires, but even with all their 24-7 ink and flashy FOX efforts, people like Peggy Noonan are shitting out terrible, laughable pieces like this, just cold collecting piles of their money and not even coming close to moving the needle for the next generation of voters. Conservatards may have mighty megaphones, which cost them fortunes to blat out conservatunes 24/7, but really, it hasn't amounted to fuckall. They barely control one part of one branch of the US government, and mostly due to districting shenanigans, relegated to bending parliamentary rules instead of wielding real power.

It's unsustainable. All of their money spent on constant messaging, and we're still closer than we've ever been to socialized medicine, while their "brand" is looking worse-than-bubonic-plague. Gay marriage is breaking out everywhere, and they're looking to die on abortion and immigration hill.

They may control lots of the visible noise generating spectrum, but it isn't really amounting to much.

Come on, it's Peggity Noondross cheering on a temporary setback in giving people usable medical care. That's not a winning plank.

I agree with you, reading their tripe <i>everywhere</i> pushes all my pitchfork-sharpening buttons... but then I think, what the fuck do they have to show for it? Another Noonan "Masterpiece." And then I laugh, because, fuck, <i>read it.</i> How much did they pay her for that?

It's so much inside-the-bubble graveyard-whistling by the Moneyed For Mittens Club, "unskewing" the recent events with about as much success as the Unskewed Polls guy had. It's all they have.


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I've left this rather late, but may I say how glad I am you've been given the Noonan beat? The Olde English or Oxford upper crust or whatever it was supposed to be had long ago rubbed through my last nerve, and was getting close to the bone. And one Blingee a decade is more than enough, thank you.

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so i'm a navigator with a (very very slight) IT background by way of classical theatre (this is a true fact). i have spent the last week leading my team across thru and about the city telling everyone that this is stupid temporary crap and berating democrats for being spineless wankers.

i am so bloody glad to hear my instincts are not necessarily wrong.

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Someone is campaigning to be Homecoming Queen this year at Conservative High.

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Adrian Peterson LIBEL!

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In my country, they say "Peggy Noonan can't see her own taint because her head is too far up her colon."

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Thank you, wooks. Also, too, there are state sites that are working fairly well (not perfectly, because new-rolled-out websites, Jesus fuck). It's true that a lot of the enrollments so far are for Medicaid, but THAT IS WHAT WAS EXPECTED. And it means that people who didn't have insurance now have insurance, which was sort of the main point, eh?

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You set a low bar for "articulate". I'll give you "mostly grammatically correct", but "articulate" should connote "clearly conveying meaning".

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But nothing compares to that Maltlattoo (or whatever the fuck it was).

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This Kool-Aid tastes like gin!

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<i>"Congress can .... pass a law mandating or allowing insurance companies to continue insuring everyone they just threw off coverage"</i>

Ironically, throwing people off coverage was the big impetus behind Obamacare in the first place. Republicans are OK with people losing good coverage because of pre-existing conditions, but aghast that they lose bad coverage because Obamacare offers something better..

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I'm a pessimist but the mortality of Peggy Noonan almost makes me an optimist.

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