Tell him we are behind him.

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OT: I heard from baconz finally today. He isn't on "sanctions" (not officially) but they're doing a bang-up job delivering retribution in the form of "lost" passes and other requests. So among other things he didn't get to go to Good Friday services today, which he's desperately upset about. And he still doesn't know if he'll be allowed to leave to START WORK on Monday or whether he's actually even permitted to TAKE that job at all. Nor was he ever told whether his request to meet with the director was approved or denied after asking to speak to her about the Goodwill employee who said "I'm not a concierge! I don't HAVE to take messages for you!" regarding calls from potential employers.

So, yeah. He's in a really bad way right now.

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“Grab them by the Pulitzer,” The Swindler in Chief says. “You can do anything.”

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Don't get all brent out of shape.

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Did not realize Pulitzer had an award for "mashing a typewriter as the dog humps the empty Tanqueray bottles" category of Pulitzers. Oh these patrician chalkies and their alien, enchanting ceremonies...

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Sterling Archer libelz!

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Chuck Berry is dead though, so that bathtub can't get any nastier.

Or CAN it?

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You Bastard

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Did she use "gracious" in there? You know, like how Obama wasn't "gracious" because he didn't know his place?

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I still think the description of the Steve Bannon aroma by that Dick Joke Emporium was my favorite description. my laughs: they were out loud.

but silly Evan of the excellent epithets, literary awards ceremonies are populated by at least half the people thinking one or all of the winners didn't deserve it. just under half the board that selected Dame Peggington probably thinks her writing is better floating in a gin bottle of the coast of Bannonland.

at least the WSJ reading public now knows, hey, it's okay to be corny if you're not a Noonington.

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Procedural question: Do they also award Pulitzers to her co-writers, Messrs. James Beam and Jonathan Walker-Red?

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Boodles would be her co-writer of choice.

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Peggy thinks AB-FAB is a training video.

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They're probably disgusted with him because he sought consent.

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Dear Peg Peg,It is absolutely 100% ok to punch actual Nazis. Which Bannon is.

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