It's Cali. It'll be a Dem and we have a lot of good ones.

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Very true. But Harris is special. Them's big shoesies!

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Or the works of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

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She might be drag,but she’s no queen.

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THAT is genius. We’re you ever cowed by a manager anywhere, ever again?

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Great! So happy that you are back. Hope you are happy and well. Happy New Year to you, my friend.

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Why does this woman's appearance matter in any way? Have you taken a good look at the men around her?

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That's their normal states. It comes from not being the Stepford party as the Repubs are.

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Thanks! Sounds about right!

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And paying her for the privilege!

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The unspoken reason for the "delay":

"Geez, can we let the House Dems have two weeks off for the holidays before we have to start work on prepping for the Senate trial?"

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Donald Trump is blowing out his prol@pse each day for America's mirth and this is Melania Trumpister, /snicker:

"Melania Trump, just the fourth first lady forced to grapple with the threat of her husband's impeachment, is pressing on through the ordeal silently, showing no inclination to speak out publicly on behalf of her spouse."

Wuh duh fuh

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I told my daughter that Mark Ruffalo is a snack when we were on the way to see Dark Waters (great btw - a must see). She howled with laughter that I knew the term snack and then instantly forbade me to use it ever again. Cuz old.

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Lindsey Graham, I salute your distant relatives for their service to America's s'mores tradition, but you are a subhuman piece of dung.

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What is an affront to the Constitution is Donald Trump, Moscow Mitch, and Leningrad Lindsey.

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