I laughed. Couldn't find Ms Deer without your help.

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You sound like a Republican, MoDo. "Why don't those brown people learn to speak English, damn it!"Keep talking that way, GOP, and lose. Guess what--brown people who were born in this country vote, and they're not real thrilled about the border situation, and neither am I.

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She's never gonna get tired of bashing Hillary, and every time she does--even if it's a tiny aside-- people call her on it. Like me.

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Directly under the smaller of the two trees at top center, just to the left of the lamp-post.


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You make the claim, you prove it. I'm not here to do your homework for you.

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First source:"Indeed, the swipe fee legislation opposed by credit card companies eventually passed. Additionally, in 2008 -- before the Pelosis' stock transaction -- the House passed the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights over the objections of the industry."

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Second source: It's an editorial.

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Third source: Another editorial.

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Like Maher says, facts don't enter the right wing bubble.

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I agree. I'm left wing.Don't waste my time again, Jack.

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So in your head... that actually counted as some sort of rebuttal? Next you'll be telling me she got to be worth 95 millions by NOT being corrupt? LOL.

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You can't prove to a flat-earther that the earth isn't flat.

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If you don't want to waste your time, stay off the internet. I couldn't care less about how you waste your time.SPOILERS: If you admire Pelosi, you're not on the left at all.

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Here's how trapped in her own little bubble Pelosi is. She actually thinks Democrats need to "convert" Trump supporters and independents. "Oh if we are just nice to Wall Street and Health Insurance Companies Trump voters will come flocking over" Get fucking lost. If you haven't figured out that the 42% of registered voters who don't bother to vote are the ones you need to get to the polls you should just resign right now. Americans want universal health care, a social safety net, clean water, equal rights, income equality, all these "far left" positions, that you so blithely ignore while lunching in your family fucking vineyard. You want to beat Trump? Be the fucking polar opposite of Trump. Trump says "JOBS" you say "Yeah it's so awesome that there are enough jobs that people can work 2 or 3 of them to make ends meet" Trump says the "ECONOMY" you say "yeah Trillion dollar deficits are really necessary so Betsy DeVos can buy an 11th yacht." Problem is Nancy, you are one of them. You live in a bubble of wealth and have so little comprehension of what it's like for the rest of us that you are rude and snide when someone disagrees with your half assed bullshit compromised positions.

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He couldn't blink.

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