The Emperor's New Clothes? They're beautiful (and handsome)!!

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Donnie calling Nancy out for "mental problems"? You love to see it.

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I think we need some digital stimulus

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Mexico is probably breathing a sigh of relief (ha-ha) that they at least are not paying for it.

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November 4, the country completely opens up again because the virus is just a Democrat hoax to deny Trump a second term. Trump told me so himself, and why would he lie about something like that?

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It doesn't help that he's running the 2016 playbook step by step because he doesn't really know what he's doing, and he only knows one path to electoral success. It involves ratfucking by Russia, stoking anger and suspicion against Hillary Clinton, and the help of the media to bray nothing but Clinton's emails for the rest of the month.

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Tik Tok? Why can't they just use the back doors they built into every piece of electronics they shipped to the U.S.?

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An Elizabeth Warren style liberal? I'm sold.

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The "Sir" makes it clear that you're showing respect.

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Speaking of debt. Is it really at 3.1 trillion? Where’s all that Tea Party concern? Or for that matter, why isn’t our Liberal Media calling them out on it?

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well they already had to pay for Wall so its only fair that someone else pay for 'rona

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And... by now, munchkin is in bahrain or the UAS.

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Are you sure?

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When you subtract all the bills that Democrats knew were non-starters, the total number that could be voted on is ... wait for it ... zero.

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OT: Wonkette - you need to offer a Pelosi "Blow out or die" t-shirt!

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