"The reason Biden's agenda is split into two chunks in the first place is that conservative Democrats in both houses — especially Manchin — wanted to have at least some part of the bill that could be passed with Republican support."

I'd really like a citation on this, that they're doing the two bills simply out of a fetish for bipartisanship. Because I find "bipartisanship for bipartisanship's sake" is mostly a myth that allows people to demonize establishment Democrats without actually understanding what's going on, and I bet that's what's happening here.

I seem to recall -- but can't find a good link -- that when this started, the notion was that we use the bipartisan bill to pass the parts that aren't eligible for reconciliation, and use reconciliation for the rest. It sounds a lot more plausible to me than holding that Biden said, and I quote, "durrr, I want to make bills harder to pass because I'm big and stupid and I eat my own boogers and I like to smell my own farts". Which is pretty much what is required to believe that the bipartisan bill was written for literally no good reason.

Now, I could be wrong; maybe the bipartisan bill was completely unnecessary. But even if it was, it passed in the Senate -- it got the bipartisan support it needed -- so I guess it worked.

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So, John Denver f'd up the lyrics.

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I bet there is an interesting story about Manchin's houseboat. Like, who paid for it, does he bill the state of West Virginia to live in it, avoid taxes, etc.

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I still have my FM Enterprise and Bird of prey I bought back in the 80s. Made of pewter, really great detail. Too bad they melt in the sunlight. Wonder what they're worth.

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A non-twitter version would be great, but will bookmark it.

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Having lurked here for years b4 I would ever comment. I knew the crowd here and I didn't want to expose me foolish self. I wanna run for Congress now.

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Because you know people here are knowledgable and skeptical, and will ask for sources if something sounds incredible.

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not a fan of yelling at politicians at their houses (or boats) though, LA just banned it. they have offices where you can yell at them, but a lot of politicians have families and it's not fair to hassle them. also as much as I dislike joe manchin, I don't want the nazi militia guys to know where to find him once he does sign the bill.

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No he's right. The song describes west Virgina. I know people from there. But it's a different state from Manchin's.

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it's such a metaphor isn't it?

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don't you think DJT has changed all of us? I used to be the nicest person, I don't even recognize myself since he was elected.

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Biden does not have the power to raise the minimum wage. You know this. You don't give a damn, because your account exists only to criticize the Democrats. Just imagine: as bad as the Internet is, you somehow manage to make it even worse, and you're proud of yourself.

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Our Kipper says cool - thanks! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Hell, means test the coal companies.

Solvent on our own, are we, boys? No? No? Not making money? How can you be asking us to just give you money for nothing?

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There vote date was never set in stone, anyway . . . they can have it whenever they want . . . and boy, it sure was nice of Lord Manchin to meet with the peons in their little boats . . .

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This, 1,000 times:

This fight isn't over by a long shot. Call your senators and your representative, kids. If they're Democrats, tell them to keep up the push for Build Back Better. And even if they're Republicans, call and let 'em know you're out there and expect better of them.

US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121https://www.house.gov/repre...https://www.senate.gov/sena...

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