"I want to believe that she would have won, but I have trouble imagining a country dumb enough to elect Trump and also smart enough to elect Warren."

That's game, set, and match. I voted for Warren in the Texas primary, but I hear what you're saying.

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You iz not the enemy, Cripes. You iz most definitely one of the good guys, mebbe working undercover & all secret-agent-person. :) The bad guys are the ones who've decided they just don't fucking care: Public Health Crisis? Ho-Hum, booorrrrring, enforcing the "Rulez" would be work!! And I don't wanna and YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!! Pfft when's my tee-time?-- Yanno. *Those* guys. With whom far too many of use are loathsomely familiar.BTW, have been wondering: How about an OSHA-type report? Just a thought. Pls be safe, you! xo

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I mean, I've heard her and them pass the blame onto Mitch plenty of times, but the republicans and their media manage to twist it and blame them, and since lies get halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on, well...

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She has loudly publicly repeatedly announced this.She can not make people *listen*.

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It was pretty close, and the sexism would have killed her.

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Yes the platform is excellent and progressive but DDB has this bloody shirt to wave...

Your really are one of the obstacles to actual progress.

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^^ see DDB above.

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That is not what it means.

It is absolutely not privatization or crony capitalism. Trump practices crony capitalism. That is why they are different words, EFN is, at best, profoundly confused, possibly maliciously.

It previously meant, when it had a meaning, using market mechanisms to implement policy. For example, remember acid rain? Now there is a cap on the amount of sulfur dioxide that can be puked in the air. Rather than putting in a specific limit, neoliberals teamed with Rs and pushed a "cap and trade" system where every utility -- thru a ridiculously political approach - received free sulfur dioxide allotments. If you went over, you had to buy them. If you went under, you could sell them. The amount of sulfur dioxide for each credit decreased over time, creating a market and internalizing the cost. As opposed to more traditional command approaches, the idea is to just use the market. That is quintessential neo-liberal. People loved it because it brought down s02 rapidly, so now acid rain is a thing of the past. People disliked it because the Ohio River Valley basically bought all the credits and rained acid on the east coast, until that was ended by a court battle which disallowed that level of concentration. Neoliberals and republicans together made that, instead of command and control, happen. Progressives said that cap-and-trade was "paying people to pollute" was the slogan at the time.

What EFN is talking about happened in Poland, fairly successfully, at the end of communism, if that interests you.

Then it happened in the most corrupt way imaginable in Russia, after Harvard's Kennedy School got involved. That was and is an on-going tragedy,


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Oh it most certainly would heal it if such a rift exists and I think if we were truly beholden we would have ended up with Bloomberg / Ryan ticket or some such.

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"WASHINGTON — Elizabeth Warren, whose presidential fortunes were on the upswing just months ago, is out of the race. She rose to the top of the field with strong debate performances, an anti-corruption message and a popular plan to tax the ultra-rich.

Then "Medicare for All" happened.

For months, the Massachusetts senator faced constant attacks over her embrace of Bernie Sanders’ single-payer health care plan, then further attacks after she released her own plans on how to pass, finance and implement it. Her campaign was dragged down and never fully recovered."

I very specifically remember watching Warren's support drop by 50% the week after she tried to explain how she was going to pay for M4A (which I have supported for the past 40 years). I remember thinking she'd be toast after that week, and she was. So, I believe my own lying eyes, but since that wasn't enough for you, I've provided a link:


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Yeah, we're fundamentally a different party than the GOP is. They get their members to fall in line, and our party is like a herd of cats.

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NBC news.

50% in one week? Nope:


In the mainstream media blackout on Warren after that debate you can see her support went over time to Bernie Sanders, who also supported M4A, and who the media was betting had no chance of winning.

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What a Nice article to read for highlandlakesspca models which came as bipartisan coronavirus stimulus package .

I think we must be aware to keep ourself heathy ^^

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Oh, I get it - I say Wall Street, and you immediately assume Bloomberg?And Ryan? Which one? Tim Ryan from Ohio, or are you implying something imbecilic like Paul Ryan?

The point, which either you don't get, or has gone straight through your brain, which is now leaking, is that both major parties have always gotten financial aid from big business concerns, partly because the extremely rigid two-party system in this country demands fealty from them, mostly because they cannot afford to run their campaigns without loads of money, no matter which party they choose.

The money, whether coming directly from Wall Street counting houses, or from the companies on the stock exchange, is the main thing literally running this country, even if they have to use political parties to do their bidding.

Now of course, the Repubs are much more mobbed up, excuse me, monied up, than the Dems, but if you simply just do a Google search on "Democrats and Wall Street", you will get these stories and more...

Wall Street Is A Big Source Of Campaign Cash For Democrats ...Wall Street Gives More To Democrats Than Republicans ...Wall Street Warms to Democratic White House...2020 Election: Wall Street spent over $74 million to back Joe Bidenand others

I left off two that came up because one article was from The Wall Street Journal, and the other was a link to a book on Amazon.

One other was a link to an article by Robert Reich, which starts out..."To find the real reason Democrats didn't close the loophole, follow the money. Wall Street is one of the Democratic party's biggest contributors...."

The only article that gives any creedence to the ide of Dems against Wall St., is this...The Democratic Platform Goes After Wall Street...the article of wcich goes on to talk about Bernie Sanders, who last I checked, is NOT a Democrat.

So you can go on living in your cloud cuckoo land believing that the Democratic Party of the United States is all in with progressive and liberal politics, but when you come down, you'll still be dealing with a centre-right party in a centre-right county

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Hey, idiot - you are being just like Trump and lying. I an NOT a Pelosi-hater - she has done good and some great things. But I'm not masturbating over her like you seem to be. I can criticise her when the need arises, just as any intelligent people can. But you being a rigid Trump-like absolutist won't be able to understand that.

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Firstly, I have no idea what bloody shirt you think I'm waving. A week ago I did hit my knee on something, and briefly had a slightly bloody pair of sweatpants, but I did not wave them about.

And "your" what? What thing is being owned here? If you are going to make an attempt at making a valid comment, you need to know what you are talking about, and what item(s) is/are the obstacles, cause I sure don't know.

But regarding the Democratic platform, it is as good as it can be for this period in American history, and is certainly better than the Repubicans' platform, but truly progressive it is not.

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