Is lacquered hair a recent trend?

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That just goes along with whole 'theme' of change. Are you qualified to hold the position that's open? Ah, too bad. We want people who don't know shit about what the job entails. All you need is to believe in the new way of fucking up doing things as our Dear Leader and his cronies and sycophants advisors wish. It will all burn down ever so much faster.

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Ben "Sir-Sleeps-A-Lot" Carson?

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Hey there -- reporter on the original article, here. The judge Kray replaced, Harkin, won the election in 2015 to start his new term in 2016. He died in April, so Kray was appointed an interim judge by the Indiana Supreme Court. Pence then appointed Jorgensen to fulfill the term, which comes up for reelection in '19.

Now, as to whether or not what Pence did is illegal, according to HIS website, it says the governor appoints judges per Article 5, section 18, but when you go to the Indiana code for 2016, Article 5, Section 18 was "repealed by PL 7-1993, article 15. Ballotpedia, meanwhile, says City judges in Indiana are by election only, and without any immediate background as to who has appointment jurisdiction, it's unclear, although the mayor said "there's nothing they can do until '19 for the election." What I CAN tell you unequivocally as a lifelong Region Rat, however, is that in my 46 years, I have NEVER encountered a judge that was NOT a practicing attorney at x-point, be it private or prosecutor.

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that's pretty much as far as I got. he was supposed to appoint the judge, but SCOI did instead. I don't know if that leaves open the option for him to appoint someone else, but it's fishy--especially given that it's an appointed judge who is not practicing. my example was an elected judge.

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Like I said above, in Lake County, where I've lived my entire life and have worked for the last 21 years, I have NEVER come across a judge at ANY level that has not been a practicing attorney prior to their taking a judgeship, and I challenge you to find me one that wasn't. Yes, I know, you keep saying they don't need to be in the state. I want you to show me in Lake County where one wasn't.

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That was one of the first things I asked, and the mayor -- who was also a practicing attorney, btw -- said there is nothing they can do until the '19 election.

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OK, then, take comedy lessons between your German Nazi Federation meetings. That should work.

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Vice President-elect Mike Pence (who is still governor of Indiana,...That's a good one. Next thing, you'll be telling us that Chris Christie is still governor of New Jersey.

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obama - all he knows how to do is be president.

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You're going to hell, lying to your kids like that.

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Why hasn't Caribou Barbie been appointed to anything yet?

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Or that Marco Rubio is a senator from Florida, who never bothered to do his job, and the numbnuts from Florida re-elected him, even though he's lazy, dumb, and has some sort of hydration problem.

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Look, you're apparently the author of "the original article." You could very well have researched these matters before writing it - a good place to start would have been to pick up the phone and talk to a long practicing attorney in Indiana to ask about whether this is a big deal or not and where to find the statutory requisites to fill the office. You could probably also find data on the percentage of City and Town Judges who are practicing attorneys relative to those who aren't. All of these things would have given some context and balance to the piece. I take it that you're not an attorney yourself, so you probably don't have much occasion to interact with all of the judges in Lake County, Indiana.

Instead you're policing a derivative piece on a blog challenging commenters to do the job that you should have done in the first place. Sad!

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