I hope you are right, JaaaaaCeeeee. I have this terrible fear that all of the "HRC is ALL of The Evils" stuff coming out of the Sanders camp is going to make it impossible for those people who are swallowing that bullshit hook, line and sinker to turn around and shrug their shoulders and vote for Clinton when we really need them to. If they can't get over her winning the nomination, and Bernie decides to pull a Nader, we really could end up with the real evil incarnate sitting in the Oval office and choosing the next SC justice.

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There is no way I can address your concerns - elections do that. Media hyped the internet trolls and right wingers as Berniebro's, while hyping Trump, and now BernieorBust people. Media hype, like spin and revisionism, collapses or is useful. Ask yourself what's the value of speculating that Bernie Sanders could decide to pull a Nader.

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I shall follow your advice, kind wonketteer.

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That seems to be a common theme amongst RoT politicians. Well got elected to the Senate, guess I'll go kill myself. Wife died, got cancer, still a politician, time to blow my head off now. I do wonder if that was an acceptable practice back then.

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I'm not sure what you are saying here - the "value" of it? I'm not getting these ideas from the "press" hyping the BernieBros - I am hearing it from their own mouths as they continually proclaim Clinton as the apotheosis of evil, accusing her of unspeakable crimes, or that the DNC is manipulating elections, and that the press is complicit. Also from their own mouths is the idea that Clinton is such a "tainted" candidate that it would be hypocritical of them to vote for her in the general if she "steals" the nomination from Bernie (and her ending up with it is their idea of 'steal'), and that Bernie should go it alone. This is all ridiculous, but those kids are getting their ideas from somewhere. I can't even look at Salon anymore, they print such offensive crap. Why this need to villify her, when the stakes if the Dems lose are so freaking high?

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Um, no. Not a die-hard Bernie. I was just responding to your comment that after spending 16 years in congress, Sanders has "very little in the way of legislative accomplishments."

I corrected your misinformation by pointing out that he had, in fact, passed the most amendments of any legislator, Democrat or Republican. Several of them were important and meaningful. I don't know why that simple fact made you so defensive. It certainly wasn't an attack on Clinton.

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Block Head Toomey is a total stooge of Wall Street ...his Club For Growth has a massive budget ,and is Ayn Rand on steroids in ideology.

It has been used for a decade plus, to to help destroy any sanity in the Republican Party ,by purging traditional members in the primaries .He was beaten by Specter in 2004 ,but rose from the sewer in 2010 on the Bagger wave.

He pawns himself off as a " former Restaurantuer in Allentown " but was really an International Banker in Hong Kong.Tommey has only one reason for occupying that Senate Seat .Empower billionaires ,and ship jobs to the Pacific Rim.

Let's make "Santorum " out of him in November .

PS. Hey Ms Mc Ginty ...cut out the tiresome terms " hard working" and " Middle Class ".How about remembering the struggling and poor for a change !

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Last missive - I'll respond to no more - I'm done with the subject. "Meaningful" or not, Mr. Sanders' legislative history isn't all that important, and I stand by my original assessment of it; "defensive"ness had nothing to do with this, merely stating my opinion of his legislative record vis-a-vis comparisons between his record of getting things accomplished and Clinton's vs. Mr. Fetterman's . You obviously had the need to convince otherwise or you wouldn't have jumped in in the first place. So peace, please.

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I will be voting for John Fetterman in the primary because I can. And because I like his priorities and his platform best. I hope you are wrong and that he not only has a chance but he takes the nomination.

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Senator Toomey got my vote even though he reminds me off the Tick I found on my dogs back

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Now you're just being plain MEAN!

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I know the person to do it...https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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Is that guy still complaining because he wasn't allowed to denounce abortion at the Democratic convention? He isn't? Oh, that's right...he's dead.

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Fetterman will go far (really progressive and really smart), but could he ever get into media with any reach (he's not a comedian right)? Though I loved Barney Frank and his trash talk and Corey Booker the super hero, I call Fetterman smarter, admittedly baselessly, because I'm only assuming he'll never get in tight spots that make him look hypocritical. A guy worth watching.

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that reference seems familiar but I can't pull it up.

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