
More like because stupid. If we take their way of thinking to its logical conclusion, we shouldn't even have a military, because simply arming everyone with guns is the best defense against tyranny and in the end, every single military that isn't a mercenary corporation exists solely to defend the government that created it. In addition, even mercenaries are not allowed to fight against the country where they are based. Their idea for how to defend liberty, would in the end lead to multiple armed factions, and only enable the most ruthless armed faction to win, and the more ruthless you are, the less likely that you would be to support things like individual rights in general. That off course is ignoring the possibility that we would be invaded by a foreign country and taken over that way, because we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves against them without a professional army. Having access to guns doesn't suddenly make you a marine. Armed civilians in general simply won't have the training, or discipline to take on a professional military force, especially one that has more than just fire arms at its disposal.

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Because freedom!

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Rednecks verses Drones(TM) ,can't wait

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I know. I just think it would be fun if their whole board of directors and executive staff had to go to Guantanamo Bay.

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that's how you starve them!

[ well, that and progressive taxation ]

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Heck, NPR - and nearly all of public broadcasting - has been in the tank for the GOP since Newt threatened to sell it to the sleaziest bidder back in early 1995.

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Also, many vermin have become somewhat resistant to poisons. Better to use .. votes!

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So, POV of camera tracking them from in front?

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Crazy family is one of the hardest things. My condolences.

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Just one low level pass (say @ 100' or so) and there wouldn't be an empty pair of pants in the bunch.

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how bad could the name associated with the 'A' be if he's using 'Duie' openly?

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even if the well regulated militia allowed you to keep your gun at home . . . how many would show up for drill at 6AM on the town commons for the privilege?

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right! . . . they just want to assure a constant flow of arms and ammunition to terrorists.

[ you ever hear of a terrorist stopped trying to enter this country with an arsenal? ]

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a bunch of yokels in coal-rollin' pick-em-ups with AR-15s vs one government guy in an A-10.

[ i know who i'm betting on ]

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not Bulwer Lytton?

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starvation is preferred in these instances . . . they use poisons.

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