I spent a year in York, Pennsyltucky. Good on those kids. They have a huge uphill battle out there.

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Spent a year in York. Can confirm.

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Above pic: Angry, dogmatic Lithgow.

Here: Loopy, 8th Dimensional Lithgow. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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If you can, see the PBS documentary Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial. It's excellent.

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Mine too. This generation has had enough of our bullshit.

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Dear God, York County displays Central Pennsylvania a@@holeishness once again! As I have constantly replied to people here in the suburbs of Philadelphia when they say "You're from Lancaster County? Why do you live down here? It's so nice and rural up there!" THEY BURN PEOPLE LIKE ME BACK THERE! It's like Escape from New York, except then my husband thinks he's Snake Pliskin and things get all sideways.

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I don't have a problem with White people. Or any people. Wypipo on the other hand....

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This particular chapter has a happy ending, but the story is far from over. Central York High School sits on what was farmland twenty years ago. The population of CYSD is still overwhelming White, but is steadily becoming less so as people move in from outside the District and from outside York County, including Maryland. This trend is likely to continue as people want single family homes with lawns and driveways. Housing is comparatively affordable and crime rates are relatively low. It lacks excitement, but it is a good place to live if you want to raise a family. (There, I said it.) This change elicits primal fear, and that fear is not easy to dislodge, as it is rooted firmly in ignorance and prejudice. The people making a fuss are generally ill-informed, small-minded bigots with large chips on their shoulders. This is the exact same school district where some members of the board sent out a statement when the school year started basically apologizing for having to comply with state-mandated COVID-19 mitigation strategies so rudely imposed “without warning” by the freedom-hating Wolf Administration. They thought everybody was fine with a policy of no masks, no social distancing, no proof of vaccination, and, most-importantly, no asking whether anyone is vaccinated. They actually put in writing a statement declaring they believe parents are in the best position to make decision about their children’s health, as opposed to, say, infectious disease experts and epidemiologists at the CDC, NIH, Department of Heath, etc. Once it turned out there has to be some mitigation efforts, they very helpfully (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) let us know parents could apply for a medical exemption without an actual doctors note (!), and explained how to get the form. So it doesn’t really matter what the issue of the moment is with these kinds of people. It is all based on ignorance and fear and resentment, especially resentment of change, of which they possess an unlimited supply. And they will continue to cause a ruckus at school board meetings and get elected to the board. Perhaps some day cooler heads and appeals to reason will prevail, but I’m not holding my breath.,

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Lookit all that diversity!

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There is so much to hate about these "critical race theory"* bans. But one thing that drives me up the wall is how they utterly erase the voices of minorities in their own communities. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I were black and a children's book on Rosa Parks was banned frozen.

*CRT taught in colleges, not schools.

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That's where that score comes from!

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Btw that James Baldwin documentary is amazing.

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I felt ashamed because I should feel ashamed. Racism has been going on right under my nose for years without my recognizing it. That makes me want to be better.

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Yeah, but Irish are white now so its all good.

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Pfft, it's only cancel and culture when the left is laughing at an anti-vaxxer.

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