Absolutely. Purity forever.

Don't waste your vote. Jill Stein, 2020 also, too.

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I'm just saying, were you trying to relay a message?

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Meanwhile, in the civilized world:

"New Zealand’s Parliament on Wednesday passed sweeping gun laws that outlaw military style weapons, less than a month after mass shootings at two mosques in the city of Christchurch left 50 people dead and dozens wounded.

A bill outlawing most automatic and semi-automatic weapons and banning components that modify existing weapons was passed by a vote of 119 to 1 in the House of Representatives after an accelerated process of debate and public submission." --TIME

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Hell, I'm straight, and if Terry asked me, I would of course refuse, but I might hesitate for a nanosecond or 3.

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Purity Today!Purity Tomorrow!Purity Forever!

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If your'e gonna polish your own halo, at least close the blinds for the neighbor's sake

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Yeah, Clarence doesn't come out of his cryogenically frozen state for just any little reason.

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Look back when St. Ronnie of Alzheimers was shot. He was surrounded by all those SS agents and cops carrying the latest and greatest guns, best training, etc. How many shots did they get off?


Hinckley had the worst piece of crap RG22 Saturday Night Special, no training, and shot 3 people with 6 rounds. Pretty decent shooting, there Tex.

Carrying does not equal protection if you are ambushed

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Well....I don't think they'll jump you and force you in or anything.

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I was wondering if the last R.O. they had on me was still valid.

Something, something, "bad influence/moral turpitude" something

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This is why the ACLU's advisory against travel to Florida was so inadequate. For non-whites and immigrants (legal or otherwise), sure, Florida is dangerous. But it's not like they're so special. Florida is dangerous as hell for anybody.

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If the NRA could find a way to sell guns to cats, they would be all over it. This too would be a bad idea.

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Florida. It was a black woman, so naturally she was the criminal.

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The problem is the violence, of course. It's just that guns are very effective and efficient instruments of violence. This is something that is understood in, say, New Zealand.

Fear-crazed gun fanatics like to point out that the UK, having gotten most of the guns out of the hands of violent people, now has problems with violence committed with other instruments, like knives and cars. They of course gloss right over the fact that it's a lot more difficult to harm nearly as many people with a knife or a car, tools with other primary purposes than to kill large numbers of human beings quickly, than with a gun that is purpose-built for that function.

The specifics of how one would or could use a gun in a situation are irrelevant trivia, which is why the gun fanatics delight in them. The problem is the violence, which is a long-term human problem we have a hard time dealing with. Fine, so be it; that's the human condition. But in the meantime, while we're working on that perhaps for the remainder of our time as a species, let's not make it easy.

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There are of course those who feel the NRA is "soft" on freedom -- that there should be no restrictions whatsoever on arms of any kind -- though when pressed, they mostly just mean for Right-wing Christian white men, with no upper limits for the rich ones.

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And we've always been at war with Eastasia!

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