"Oh, now we see the violence inherent in the system!"

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San Antonio has been quietly inching southwest a little at a time for years. One of these days it's going pick up its skirts and make a dash over the border into Mexico.

I don't think there's any hope for Dallas, though. I recommend emigration, if you can get an exit visa.

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Can voter fraud (the kind one could get away with) even move the numbers enough to actually influence an election? Now, about those voting machines ...

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Only if the test is administered in Whitepeople-ese.

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DDM, as our resident know-it-all wonk-splainer, you do NOT get a pass on technicalities.

Your job is to clarify things (like butter, maybe), not to confuse poor, small minded pixels.

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...what's next? Forcing women to have trans-vaginal ultrasounds befor they can vote?

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To the moon, Rob Gleason.

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Not that I want to diminish the outrage or anything, but PA's voter ID law was suspended* last October because a judge determined (duh) that it had not been rolled out with sufficient time and resources to guarantee that everyone who needed an ID could get one. So Pennsylvania’s GOP Chairman Rob Gleason is presumably doing what his party does best: making up statistics out of thin air.

*Technically, it was on the books, but voters were allowed to vote without an ID. In their charming way, GOP <strike>operatives</strike> poll watchers were instructed to ask for ID from voters anyway, just in case they might scare or intimidate a few of them into going home without voting. Of course, I'm sure they applied this process equally to white and black voters.

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or an active NRA membership card

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Fortunately, if Philly, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Erie, Reading, Scranton, and Harrisburg turn out, the rest of the state can go fuck itself.

PA is an excellent model for America, where 82% of the population lives in urban areas. If cities vote, Someday maybe we will adjust Senate seats to modestly begin to reflect population. ND, SD, ID, WY, MT, and AK will share one senator. Texas would have 4, but it won't matter because Texas will have seceded, to the general satisfaction of everyone.

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