excuse me, but Oz would not just serve in state, but in the US senate representing us all. I do not deserve that.

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the actual clinical name for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion".

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If it was such a good deal for her, why did she report it right away, or at all?

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Well, did she have $20 on her?

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It pains me to tell you this but Madelne is dead.

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And soon, they will be legitimate daddies.

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Yup. I should have edited it to say "who ever lived," my oops.

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I don't know that this is true, but, conveniently, he COULD have said he was GOING to give her the $20, but she accused him of rape, so of course she didn't have the money on her.

Seems like this police department has a story for everything.

"Though it does bear mentioning, as Reason's Elizabeth Nolan Brown did, that this is just one of the many, many reasons why sex work must be decriminalized." Yep.

And, there needs to be STRONGER penalties for officers who commit "institutional sexual assault,"

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Madeline is still alive in Stranger's heart.

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I know - with all the regressives whining about taxes, you'd think we'd have voted that one in.

Of course, now they're mewling about 'crime increasing' just before the election. The fact that we hire mercenaries to run our prison system is just disgusting.

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I'm curious. Did you see any evidence that rehab worked for anyone?

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I don't deserve Cruz and Cornyn, but reality exists.

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Possible, but not the most likely scenario. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

In the scenario you describe it could still be rape, I think.

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"Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile. " Reginald Heberhttps://www.theotherpages.o...

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So basically he can rape her stuff $20 in her pocket and claim he paid her. Good grief you can't make this shit up.

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That's what I tell men who want to transition to female I say until you've lived as a woman you don't know what bastards some men are so you may want to rethink that decision.

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