Protip, the Pentagon: Listen to Telly https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Yup. An E-3 is not going to question an O-7's expense report

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This wasn't the gif I was looking for, but it's too good not to post.

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Exactly. There have to be 100 different ways to embezzle/misappropriate money from the government without being so damn obvious.

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I'm just hoping it wasn't my nephew. I don't think he's been demoted, though... so whew!!

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Meals and Incidentals...

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Heh. But how to you convince a pole dancer to hold still long enough?

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And the DoD is "trying" to determine IF those individuals will be punished??? WTF?

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It's fine to worry about this but don't even dare to ask about the $8 billion in cash "lost" in the Iraq war, or was it Afghanistan? What about the tens of billions or is it trillions that the Pentagon has no idea where it went.

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Some strip clubs have really good food. Or so I've been told...

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Spearmint Rhino and Bust!


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Just trying to do their part to stimulate the local economy....

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Strip clubs? Whew. For a minute there, I thought those adds for Draft Kings had something to do with the military.

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"The Pentagon’s Inspector General is investigating whether U.S. military personnel tried to get the U.S. government to pay them back for bills they racked up at casinos and strip clubs, using official travel charge cards."

Unless and until they find reimbursement was sought and made, no taxpayer funds were harmed though some careers doubtlessly were.

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That'll add up in those 15 min increments...

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OK, here's what I don't understand. "investigating whether U.S. military personnel tried to get the U.S. government to pay them back for bills they racked up at casinos and strip clubs, using official travel charge cards." If you put charges on an employer issued CC, what are you asking to be reimbursed for? Or if the airman put the charges oh his own card and then tried to get reimbursed, the govt says "tough shit, disallowed." Case closed. Or is the gubmint trying to get the employee (airman) to reimburse them for non-allowed charges put on govt. cards? I would have loved to have ever had a job where I could put charges on my employer's card and then be "reimbursed" for those charges.

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