But by then all of them will have passed aw.....Ohhhhh, now I see what you're doing!

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Being locked in a Walmart is my worst nightmare too!!

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"Operation Jade Helm vigorously objected to by the Yellow Trouser Battalion."

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Best piece I've seen on this insanity, complete with appropriate amounts of cursing: http://www.stonekettle.com/...

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... you made tequila? Please share the recipe. Also too where to get the ingredients.

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Bo Ring!

When is Tejas seceding, that's all I want to know.

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... or...

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Alex Jones' mind is too small to be allowed to wander like that. Must have chewed through the tether to the playpen.

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... this one?

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... I think it will...

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... the frightwing (Beck, Rush et al) certainly haven't/won't.

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So did I, but it turns out there is such a thing as blue jade. Not to say it has anything to do with... anything, but there ya' go.

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Them Texassesins had their chance and they should have left quietly and seceded but No they want to be dumbasses.Now we will see how big and bad they are when Comrade Obammy take his rightful place in the new town of Barackistan as the Son of Thoth what like the 15 tablet of Jade tells us.You will feel the full wrath of the rainbow shooting of the gay pixie dust straight up your arses.You will be endoctrined into Muslinism have your foreskin sewed back on and micro-chips inserted in the stitches.Iffin you are a women you will get abortions whether you need it or not on a daily basis in the Wal-Mart domes.It aint gonna be pretty you will beg to move to Baltimore and turned black so you can have peace

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Both of you: sssh!!

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Real coups d'etat and martial law regimes are not announced ahead of time.

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This is treason. We don't need no stinkin' votes.

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