Sorry! I did not mean to imply I was providing a link. We have community channels where I live, and they include news casts from China, Chinese soap operas, German news, East Indian news all in their own languages. So I see official Chinese news now and again...That is where I recently saw the parade.
Gee "Regret" is that your moniker bc you just throw shade without any reason to do so? There is nothing "interesting "about it. Many large cites like the one I live in? have what are called community channels, these are filled with special programming to reflect the diverse religions and ethnicities represented in their cities. So there... among much else, there is official Chinese news, East Indian soap operas, Filipino comedies and a weekly reading from the Koran, just for examples. These are usually one half hour programs, but movies are shown also and are provided as a service by said community channels. Whats "interesting" is that you apparently have never heard of such a thing. Maybe move somewhere where diversity is respected and you wont consider these things "interesting" or unusual. As you are obv only interested in throwing shade and perhaps even suggesting that what I posted wasnt true? I live in a little place called Vancouver BC. Look it up. Where many different languages are spoken everywhere and community channels endeavour to serve those communities not represented by our major networks such as English and French. Oh, and there is an entire network for First Nations programming too. Interesting?hardly. "...official Chinese news cannot be found elsewhere...." your elsewhere, do you mean in some backward swamp? Because rather than interesting this type of programming, is absolutely, ordinary. The opposite of what you state and imply. What IS interesting? that you appear to think you can speak for the entirety of "elsewhere"...what a limited little world you must inhabit.
The proper response when Rethugs form a circular firing squad: Popcorn. If I'm feeling charitable, I might offer some popcorn to the Rethugs busy shooting each other, but after 4 years of Darth Cheeto, and 8 years of Shrub and two massive tax giveaways to the rich, two endless wars by Bush and 4 years of war crimes by Orange Foolius...I'm not feeling charitable.
There’s no way to properly regulate Pentagon spending in the current setup. They have, apparently, too many avenues to misappropriate or disappear funding, and there’s no real oversight. They never properly passed their ONLY AUDIT EVER. And the vast majority of their budget doesn’t go to soldiers or their care. Being a military spouse myself, I think this point can’t be pounded enough. I would like to see our soldiers properly funded. But, I also don’t see why the Pentagon continues to receive such extravagant funding without accountability. There’s no excuse. Unless it’s your business receiving it, then it’s bad business. And no, none of our legislators are free from guilt on this. It can’t be the case that we must bargain down and perpetually beg for social support funding in exchange for agreeing to exorbitant defense funding. It’s a bad faith deal, and we know better.
Wait, you think there is a transaction happening here? Like, they only make the ads if dems "align" with them?
What do you mean with "aligning" anyway, what activity are you referring to?
Why not both? I thought the army was supposed to follow orders?
Clear orders. Not "Spend this to support national security during the crisis."
Sorry! I did not mean to imply I was providing a link. We have community channels where I live, and they include news casts from China, Chinese soap operas, German news, East Indian news all in their own languages. So I see official Chinese news now and again...That is where I recently saw the parade.
Interesting that official Chinese news cannot be found elsewhere.
Deleted as it didnt show up on Discus so I wrote the one above as well.
Gee "Regret" is that your moniker bc you just throw shade without any reason to do so? There is nothing "interesting "about it. Many large cites like the one I live in? have what are called community channels, these are filled with special programming to reflect the diverse religions and ethnicities represented in their cities. So there... among much else, there is official Chinese news, East Indian soap operas, Filipino comedies and a weekly reading from the Koran, just for examples. These are usually one half hour programs, but movies are shown also and are provided as a service by said community channels. Whats "interesting" is that you apparently have never heard of such a thing. Maybe move somewhere where diversity is respected and you wont consider these things "interesting" or unusual. As you are obv only interested in throwing shade and perhaps even suggesting that what I posted wasnt true? I live in a little place called Vancouver BC. Look it up. Where many different languages are spoken everywhere and community channels endeavour to serve those communities not represented by our major networks such as English and French. Oh, and there is an entire network for First Nations programming too. Interesting?hardly. "...official Chinese news cannot be found elsewhere...." your elsewhere, do you mean in some backward swamp? Because rather than interesting this type of programming, is absolutely, ordinary. The opposite of what you state and imply. What IS interesting? that you appear to think you can speak for the entirety of "elsewhere"...what a limited little world you must inhabit.
The proper response when Rethugs form a circular firing squad: Popcorn. If I'm feeling charitable, I might offer some popcorn to the Rethugs busy shooting each other, but after 4 years of Darth Cheeto, and 8 years of Shrub and two massive tax giveaways to the rich, two endless wars by Bush and 4 years of war crimes by Orange Foolius...I'm not feeling charitable.
See! Masks are Nazi communism!-A real SMRT Republiqan
well that is on par.
The random serifs on his printing are truly odd. Like he has manure for his brains.
Oh for Fuch's sake.
You’d think lobbyist for the coal industry would be better at blowing smoke on an issue
There’s no way to properly regulate Pentagon spending in the current setup. They have, apparently, too many avenues to misappropriate or disappear funding, and there’s no real oversight. They never properly passed their ONLY AUDIT EVER. And the vast majority of their budget doesn’t go to soldiers or their care. Being a military spouse myself, I think this point can’t be pounded enough. I would like to see our soldiers properly funded. But, I also don’t see why the Pentagon continues to receive such extravagant funding without accountability. There’s no excuse. Unless it’s your business receiving it, then it’s bad business. And no, none of our legislators are free from guilt on this. It can’t be the case that we must bargain down and perpetually beg for social support funding in exchange for agreeing to exorbitant defense funding. It’s a bad faith deal, and we know better.
My hubby kindly reminded me that, as soldiers, they are going to undoubtedly be guinea pigs for a new vaccine. Good times!