(too much of a stretch to use the "Rector? I barely knew her!" joke here but maybe we can build on it)

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I thought it was "chicks" for free

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my dad used to teach a Materials Science class as a part time job at a California State university. He said that one of his best students was a mother in her 30s or 40s

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Nothing demonstrates Trickle Up better than Bezos in Space.

There was nothing scientifically advanced, it technically did not breach the atmosphere and go into space, and the entire flight was controlled from the ground. All it was was a photo op for a space cowboy to boast about his pseudo-space flight in flesh-colored dildo.

He knows tax-payers feed and clothe his workers with welfare benefits. He knows.

He is trolling us.

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Leave the defeatist for the Cletus.

We are trying to do the work, and there's always someone telling us not to bother, it won't get better, and you have to wonder... not just why ... but who.

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How many millions of other peoples' money did he default on and still have nothing to show for it? Any poor person would have done better with a fraction of that.

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I feel responsible for what you cannot now unsee. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

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My SO thought I wanted to see a movie which was a psychological thriller and I had to remind him that I only want to see movies with penis jokes and potty humor. When my boys were younger and would ask me questions about physical phenomenon, I would ask them "do you want my answer or [SO]'s answer?" and they would giggle because they knew SO's answer was always "your penis will fall off" regardless of the question.

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one of my sons participated in the "March for Medicare for All" or whatever it was called last weekend. He's still on his dad's insurance but cared enough to give up his Saturday afternoon. That gives me hope.

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Hold on to that feline

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yeah, my dad said we (my brothers and I) came too quickly (before he finished graduate school and had a decent job) and I thought to myself "No, dad. YOU came too quickly!" but didn't say it out loud because eww! Sex and parents in the same bubble!

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"Dildo, dildo, in the sky..."

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Trump inherited $400 million dollars, and lost over a billion dollars within 10 years. He lost more money than he had.

Every business he ever touched turned to shit. The only thing he was ever successful at were his ghostwritten books, his TV show that someone else created, licensing his name, and grifting the rubes (fake university, sham charity, campaign fraud).

He managed to DOUBLE Obama's deficits, that Obama ran up during a financial crisis, during an economic boom.

I could go on, but the reality is that he's a TERRIBLE businessman that the morons voted for, because they were too dumb and/or lazy to look at his history. I still can't believe a total fucking idiot ran the country for 4 years.

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"...on the internet service, one of the trusted things of today's society!"


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Here in Louisiana, the federal supplement is discontinued - but never fear, says our good Christian pro-life Democratic governor, he did this in exchange for "business leaders" to agree to an extra $28 per week in benefits NEXT YEAR.

Maximum unemployment for the state is $247 per week.

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