Lots of excellent beer over here in the ČR, including nonpasteurized, nonfiltered, monastery beers, craft beers, etc., all of it cheaper than water at the local pub. I'd send you all several cases, but it travles poorly. As Sergei Lukyanenko writes, "'Czech beer in bottles is the corpse of real beer in a glass coffin.'".

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Or keystone light.

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Near 100% ven diagram overlap there.

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Hey I'm going to the store Budlight is on sale want me to pick some up?

Are you kidding fuk tard.... Who would want a rusty bucket of that donkey piss?

Took "No" out of my vocab.

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Oh, I'd drink with anyone when it was free, the f-ing part,well, they had to have some compelling story until I was too drunk to care (I had self esteem issues.)

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Easiest. Boycott. Ever.

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To be fair, Bud and Bud Light are not the worst beers I've ever had (that honour goes to Lucky Lager), but they are in the "I won't even drink them if they're free" category, so that's really a distinction without a difference...

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So, this is true - I did one of their stupid videos and I hope its BURIED on their website. I was drunk on Sierra Nevada at the time and I felt bad for the Bud Light lady who was being ignored by everyone in the gay bar. I don't think I've ever even drank a Bud Light *shudder.*

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Alcohol has been the father of many children.

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Thanks, that was grape. I mean great.

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Ah, Bud Lite, the official beer of that jerk who was my roommate freshman year.

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The campaign now actually fits my EX, who drank it by the gallons. He married his "whatever" before the ink was dry on the divorce papers.

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Ask me if I want a beer? I'll say YES! I'm #UpForWhatever..Just because I took the word "No" out of my vocab doesnt make me automatically a rape victim..*sigh* some people.

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Official beer of all my asshole dorm residents.

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And the third wheel in many relationships.

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