Yeah, streamlined process.

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Because public employees receiving salaries for monitoring those who are released without cash bail are profiting, and bail bondsmen are not. Perfect sense!

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I'm so angry and frustrated by the ballot initiative process. It's completely broken and only works for corporate interests who can throw a ton of money into ads, assuming correctly that most people don't have the time or energy to read the initiatives and the detailed analysis. Prop 22 literally dictates that amending AB 5 requires a 7/8ths majority, so Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash have basically bought themselves the right to say how legislation is enacted. This is wrong, but I have no idea how it can be changed.

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The enstupiding continues apace.

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Nice. I wish I were young enough to take his class.

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Are there no workhouses?????

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If that is just burying my ex-wife in the backyard, I thought of it first!!!!

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Other than the terminus of the PA Turnpike Extension...what is?

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Just make sure to bury an animal above her so the police think the cadaver dogs are just reacting to the dead animal.

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Same as in town!

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Happily for me, my only experience (so far) with bail bonds and bounty hunters are the fictional kind.

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I would think you would want to be found guilty before being imprisoned, even in your own home.

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Was the 15% the fee the bail bondsman charged? They operate a business, after all.

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He can stay out. What benefit would he bring? Texas has a TON of people moving here daily, one less visitor is nothing. And if you MUST have marijuana, go to Colorado.

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I hope your j0b doesn't involve any Pr00fReading.

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yeah, AB5 was a disaster for my profession (translator; since there is no way the industry could comply with the law, agencies ended up abandoning california translators and finding people in other states; we've been fighting hard to be exempted from the law) but prop. 22 is a whole other can of wriggly, disgusting worms.

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